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Carly's POV

Walking into The Whiskey with my friend, I instantly regretted it when the overwhelming smell of alcohol surrounded me. I cringed a bit at the smell and followed my friend to the bar.

"Two glasses of Jack Daniels," my friend spoke, leaving against the bar. I tapped her. "I don't drink stuff with a lot of alcohol in it when I'm out." I said in a hushed tone. "Oh, loosen up, Carly! It's Friday night!" Stacy exclaimed, smiling. She handed me my drink. We walked over to an empty table and sat down.

We made small talk and I drank half of my glass and I had become tipsy, a little out of my normal character that I would even get a slight buzz at a public place. I usually only drink with friends at home.

While laughing at a joke Stacy had made, we heard the doors open, our heads turned towards the doors and there stood 4 guys with quite big hair and upon further inspection, full faces of makeup.

"Wow, the blonde one is kinda hot," Stacy said, still staring at the blonde haired one. The rest of them all had dark hair so, I couldn't really even tell which one apart. Not that even care to, just their presence is intimidating. I looked down at my drink and stopped staring at them.

"Which on do you think is the hottest?" Stacy snapped me out of my train of thought. "Hm?" I replied. "Those guys, which one do you think is the hottest?" She asked, making an obvious gesturing to them. "Stacy! Don't be so obvious!" I spoke with a hushed tone.

My anxiety starts creeping up on me, my small buzz that I had seemed to disappear. What if they're trouble? What if they walk over here? I don't want to talk to them, I hate talking to complete strangers, anytime I think about talking to someone I don't know, my hands shake and become clammy, my heart beats a million beats a second, it feels like I can't speak and something heavy is on my chest. Having severe anxiety is very hard to deal with, I'm terrified of so many things in my life, everything makes me anxious and I close myself off and strictly stay to things I'm comfortable with.

"Why not? Don't you wanna talk to them?" She questioned me, "you can't tell me they're not hot?" She said, still speaking at a normal volume. "Okay, sure. They're good looking, but I don't want them walking over here." I said still keeping my voice down, hoping they don't hear. Stacy rolled her eyes. "I'll be back." She said, sassily. She unbuttoned her blouse a little and hopped off her chair, heading towards the group of boys. I shook my head and took a sip of my drink, hoping my small buzz comes back.

I don't understand how she's so bold and just walks up to anyone, I can't dream of doing that. I glanced back over at Stacy and she was walking back to the table, two of the men trailing behind her, I furrowed my eyebrows. Did she get two guys?

"Carly, this is Nikki," Stacy said, gesturing to the taller of the two guys that stand in front of me. I felt my mouth go dry. She brought one for me.

"Hey," Nikki spoke, he slid the chair out that's next to me and spun it around, then sitting down. "H-Hi," I barley got out of my throat. "You're all shy now?" He laughed a little. I furrowed my eyebrows once again, looking at Nikki. He could sense I was confused. "Your friend said you talked about how hot I was." He smirked. My eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks heat up.

I quickly looked over at Stacy, who was sitting in Vince's lap. She smiled at me and I gave her a death glare before turning my attention to Nikki. "I'm-I'm sorry but, uh-my friend was just messing with me-me," I kept struggling to speak, it feels as if the words are just caught in the back of my throat. "I-I didn't say th-that." I finally pulled out.

He leaned back a little. "Okay, so you didn't say it, but were you thinking it when you were staring at me when we walked in?" He smirked, leaning in closer to me. My cheeks heated up yet again. He's pretty close to my face and I got a chance to take in his features finally. He has very green eyes, kinda tan skin, he has eyeliner on and his lips were still slightly curved into a smirk, he has a very strong jawline, I felt the air get caught in my throat and I leaned away from him a little.

"I guess y-you're attractive." Oh god, Carly. Shut up. "Y-y-you have nice ey-es." I stumbled through the most awkward fucking compliment ever. Just shut up, Carly! I felt my complete face heat up in embarrassment and I covered my face with my hands.

"Thank you," he chuckled. "What brings you here?" He asked. I removed my hands from my face and put them under my chin. "Just w-with a friend," I spoke. He nodded. "This doesn't really seem much like your scene." He laughed, I avoided really looking at him, just kept my eyes locked on my drink. "It's not." I kept my answers short.

"Well," Nikki said. I saw his hand appear in my view and he took the napkin next to my drink and brought it over in front of him. I finally looked up and watched him, he was jotting something down on the napkin. "If you do wanna have fun somewhere that is your scene, call me and let me know, I'd love to see you again." He confidentially said, sliding the napkin in front of me. It has his name on it and his number underneath. "I have to go preform, I'll hopefully talk to later, Babe," he winked at me. As soon as he stood up and walked back over to his other two friends, it felt like I let go of breath I had been holding in and picked up the napkin and just looked at it.

My eyes followed him until he went out of my sight, I guess he's in a band that's playing here tonight. I looked over at Stacy and I saw that the guy she was with just now walked off. "Who's he?" I asked. "His name is Vince, he's in a band called Motley Crue, he said we should stay here and watch." She smiled, I shook my head. "I'm going home, bars are not my scene," I replied. "I'll just see you when you get home." I added on. As soon as I stood up, the music started up. I looked over at the little stage are and a few people were in front of the stage for the show, Stacy stood up, too.

"Please stay? They're already starting, we can leave right after they're done." She pleaded with me, I sighed. "Fine, I'll stay for this song and this song only, then I'm walking home without you." I replied, she cheered and grabbed my hand, dragging me in front of the stage. I glanced over the people on stage while Vince was singing.

"'Cause I'm hot, young, running free. A little bit better than I use to be, 'cause I'm alive! Live wire!" Vince sang, I looked over to left of the stage and saw Nikki playing bass. They are pretty good, but this really isn't my scene. I tapped Stacy and gestured that I'm leaving and move my way out of the small crowd of people by the little stage.

I started to walk out the door, glancing over at the stage again, I see Nikki already looking at me, I felt my face heat up again and quickly fled.

Walking down the road to my apartment, I noticed something in my hand. I looked down and unraveled the little napkin, oh yeah. He gave me his number. I crumbled it up to just throw on the ground but, something stopped me from doing it. Maybe, I'll just keep it for now.

(a/n: new story :'D i hope you all will like it, i'm gonna be working really hard on it😋please vote, thank you for reading, leave what you thought in the comments. bye!)

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