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Carly's POV

A week went by since the incident at Nikki's house, we've been seeing each other every chance we got. Nikki and I arranged for him and the rest of the band to hang out at my house. I was getting ready, putting bowls of chips and such out, since Nikki and I talked about having a movie night, but mainly he really just wants me to meet the people who he's living his dream with.

I finished with the bowls of chips and popcorn, I had a can of Pringles out, just for myself because I love Pringles more than the other snacks. I sighed a little, happy that I finally finished when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and I was met with a blonde haired man. "Oh, hi!" He greeted me. "H-Hey." I said, smiling a little. "Vince, right? My friend talked to you before at The Whiskey?" I asked, he pondered for a second. "Oh, yeah!" He laughed, "it's nice to meet you." He said. I held my hand out and he just looked at it, then pulled me in for a hug. "There's plenty of things I am, formal is not one of them." He laughed, hugging me. I laughed a little and returned the hug, he came inside and before I got a chance to shut the door, Nikki and a guy with long curly hair was walking up, I smiled when Nikki walked up.

"Hey, Beautiful," he greeted me, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back and took in his scent. He smells like Patchouly and I love it. He let me go, his hands still lingering on my waist. "This is Tommy, Tommy this is Carly." Nikki introduced us. "It's nice to finally meet you, Sixx here hasn't been able to talk about anything else other than you." Tommy said, Nikki punched his shoulder. "Ow!" He laughed, "please come in. It's nice to meet you, too." I smiled. We all walked in and I looked around. "Aren't we missing a guitarist?" I asked.

They all laughed a little. "Yeah, Mick is with his girlfriend, he should be here a little later," Vince said. "Oh, I brought alcohol, is that alright?" He asked, reaching for his bag he brought. "Yeah, that's fine." I smiled. Nikki sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap, I blushed and eased into him.

"Do you drink?" Nikki asked. "Eh, kinda?" I asked. "Explain kinda," Tommy said. "Well, I've never been drunk before–" "No, way! Sixx, this is the most innocent girl you've ever been with!" Vince said. I looked down at my lap. "Do you wanna get drunk?" Nikki asked. I looked up at him. "I don't know.." I said, playing with my bracelets that covered my arms. "You're with people you can trust, they won't fuck with ya." Nikki said, rubbing my back. "I'm not pressuring ya, but I'm just saying, it's fun." Tommy said, reaching over for the Jack Daniels.

"You guys like Jack Daniels?" I asked, looking over at the bottle. "Hell yeah, that's all we drink, really." Vince said. "You like whiskey?"

I drink whiskey to feel closer to my Father, Whiskey was his drink of choice. It reminds me of him, I miss him. The smell of it reminds me of mainly all the conversations we ever had. We would talk for hours before I realized that the only reason why he was talking to me was because he was drunk.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites." I replied, smiling a little. "I knew I had a good feeling about you." Nikki said, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me, causing me and the other boys to laugh. "Drink with us! You won't be alone in getting drunk, we'll be stupid along with you." Nikki said.

I decided I would drink with them, within 15 minutes, the first bottle was gone and I was feeling the affects. I wasn't piss drunk, because I don't wanna be so drunk that I black out, but the guys are still drinking. Mick showed up with more alcohol and we were all sitting around drinking.

Nikki becomes a lot clingier when he's drunk. It's kinda cute, he hasn't been able to keep his hands off of me. But, not in a sexual way, just resting his hands on me at all times, he's really protective of me, all of a sudden.

"Carly, 'nother drink?" Vince asked, handing over the Jack Daniels. "Hm, I don't know–" "You don't have to if you don't want to, do whatever makes you happy." Nikki spoke up, slurring and nuzzling his face into my neck. The boys erupted with laughter. "Shut up!" Nikki exclaimed, pulling me closer to him. If he brings me any closer to him, we'd become one. I took a swig of the whiskey before turning it to Tommy. "Hey, what about me?" Nikki whined. "I think you've had enough, Love." I giggled.

"Says whooooo?" He slurred and dragged out his words. "Says all of us," Mick spoke up, causing more laughter to occur. Nikki pouted and nuzzled his face into my neck and shirt again.

"Is he always this clingy when he's drunk?" I asked, laughing. "Only if he's with a girl he really likes." Tommy laughed. I blushed a little and wrapped my arms around Nikki, "aww, do you really like Carly, Nik?" Vince teased. "Mm, shut up." Nikki murmured into my neck, I laughed a little. We stayed like this for a while, all three of us talking and Nikki chiming in from time to time.

I glanced over at the clock and saw it was 2 in the morning. "Oh my gosh, it's that late already?" I asked. "Wow, we overstayed our welcome." Tommy laughed. Tommy stood up from his seat and stumbled a little. "You guys can't leave and drive like this, stay here tonight. There's a guest bedroom, the couch and Nikki's sleeping in my bed, I said, finally getting up from Nikki's lap.

"Aw, why can't I sleep in your bed, Carlsss?" Vince slurred his words, trying to take my hands. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hands and lead him to the guest bedroom. "Who's sleeping with Vince?" I called behind me. "Ew, I don't wanna sleep with him." Tommy said. "I'll do it, god. You baby," I heard Mick grumble, causing me to laugh. He walked in. "I'll take it from here, thank you for letting us stay." Mick thanked me, I smiled. "It's not a problem." I walked back out.

"You get the couch," I looked at Tommy and pointed to the couch. "There's a Nikki at the end of it!" He exclaimed, laughing. I walked over and Nikki was passed out. I groaned. "He's gonna be dead weight," I whined. "Oh, too bad. I guess I get to sleep in your bed tonight." Tommy said. I rolled my eyes. "Get your ass over here and help." I said. "I like drunk Carly, you're not so closed off." Tommy commented, smiling while helping me get Nikki to my room.

I smiled a little and once we got to my bed, Tommy dropped Nikki's arm, causing him to drop like a bag of bricks on my bed. "Be gentle with him!" I hissed. Tommy laughed. "Night, Carly." Tommy said, leaving my room. Once he had left, I took Nikki's boots off and tossed them aside and then took his leather jacket off, so he could be a bit more comfortable.

I moved him forward more so his head was on the pillow and I walked to my closet and changed into my pajamas and threw my clothes where I normally throw them on the ground and then got into bed.

"You have an amazing body, Beautiful," I heard Nikki's tired voice, my cheeks heated up and I looked over at him to see his one eye open and smiling at me. "C'mere." He murmured, opening his arm for me. I scooted over to him and his arm wrapped around me.

"You make me feel so safe," I said to him, almost in a whisper, then I soon fell asleep in his arms.

(a/n: this chapter is just a cute kinda one, kinda fun. just a filler chapter. but, i hope you enjoyed it anyways! please vote, thank you so much for reading, feedback is always welcome. bye!👻)

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