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Carly's POV

"Carly!!" I heard Nikki excitedly, I heard running footsteps from his room to the kitchen. I turned around and laughed. "What is it?" I asked when he ran up to me. "The tour got pushed!" He said. "We're gonna tour in a few weeks!" He exclaimed. I forced a smile and he hugged me tightly. I thought I still had a little under a year till I wouldn't see him for a while. "That's not even the best news," Nikki said, letting go. "You're coming with us!" He cheered. My eyes went wide. "What?" "You're coming around the world with us!" He said, smiling wide. I smiled wide and hugged him tightly. "I was so sad that I wouldn't see you in such a long time, I'm so happy I can be with you!" I said, he laughed. "I know, I could tell you were upset when I told you." He said.

I can't believe I'm gonna go on tour with my boyfriend and 3 of his friends, my friends too. This has become the best time of my life. I'm dating someone who actually treats me like a Princess, I'm going to go on tour with him and watch him preform every night and I get to watch him live his dream. It couldn't get any better than this.

"Where's the first leg of the tour?" I asked. "Tokyo, Japan." He smiled. "We're gonna go to Japan?!" I exclaimed, happily. He chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." "I'm so excited!" I squealed. "We're gonna be there for 3 days so, we can sneak off and look at the sights together after shows." He said. "That sounds wonderful!" I said. "I'm so happy you get to come with me, I couldn't handle being away from you for so long." He said and kissed me. "I won't intrude, though? Like, it's not gonna be a problem that I'm going, right?" "Nope, lot at all, I asked the boys and they all want you to come. We don't care about anyone else." He laughed. I smiled. "I am just so happy," I said.

Nikki and I spend most of day together watching TV and just laying around all day. When night came, Vince called and invited Nikki and I to a party that was being held at his house. "Do you wanna go?" Nikki asked. "I've actually never been to a party before," I replied. "Really??" He exclaimed. "I love parties, Vince's parties are the best. You'll love it." He said. "Are there drugs there?" I asked. Nikki kinda shifted uncomfortably. "Well, yeah. But, there's music and drinks and people having fun and dancing, it's not just that." He replied. I shrugged. "Okay, why not?" I said. He smiled. "This'll be the best party ever, especially since you're there." He said.

We both got dressed, I decided on ripped black jeans, with fishnets underneath, a Motley Crue shirt and one of Nikki's leather jackets on top. I put on my shoes and grabbed my cigarettes. "Baaaaabe, can you get the mail while I do my hair?" I heard Nikki call from the bathroom. "Suuuuuure," I replied, matching his tone. I walked outside and into the mailbox and I saw a magazine with Nikki and I on the cover. It's the picture of us kissing. My eyes went wide. I didn't know these would make it on a magazine. I quickly walked inside with the mail and threw the rest on the coffee table and opened up the magazine.

"Looks like one of Nikki's groupies got lucky! Nikki Sixx is off the market?" It read. I wasn't one of his groupies. I skimmed on and saw. "I wouldn't be too worried, it's probably just a fling. Once he realizes how she really is, he'll leave." How I really am? These people don't even know me. I skimmed on and got to a section talking about me. "She sleeps around a LOT, she's slept with every member of the band," I was shocked. These people are slamming me and they don't even fucking know me. "Nikki is just waiting for the right time to break up with her." It finished.

I shut the magazine and walked over and threw it in the trash can. I can't believe someone would write something like this about someone they don't even know. I blinked the tears in my eyes away and I heard footsteps walking up to me. "Ready to go, Carly Beth?" Nikki asked, smiling. I forced a smile. "Mhm, more than ready."

Nikki called a limo to get us because he's pretty sure he won't be able to drive, I guess he's not the only one planning on getting messed up. Tonight, I am planning on letting loose and just saying. "Fuck it" the words that were written in the magazine keep going on repeat around my head.

We arrived and there's already a ton of people here. "Hey!" Vince's voice greeted us. He ran up to us, a few blondes trailing behind him. "I'm so glad you both can make it! There's an endless supply of drinks and other fun things," Vince winked and I laughed a little. "I hope you guys have a great time." He said, he opened up his arms for me to hug him, which I gladly did. "I'm telling you right now, if you and Nikki, ya know.." he trailed off, "make sure to let me know. I'd like in." I laughed and playfully pushed him. "In your dreams, Vince." Nikki rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me into the party more. Vince is always like that, whether he drinks or not. I don't mind, it makes me laugh.

"I'm gonna make my rounds and greet some people, wanna come with?" He asked over the music. I shook my head. "I'm gonna find the bathroom. I'll catch up with you," I smiled. He nodded and kissed me quickly. "I'll find you a little later, don't party too hard without me." He joked. I laughed and started to walk to what I think is the bathroom.

I walked up to the door and knocked. Nobody answered and I opened the door. "Ooh, sorry. This isn't the bathroom." I apologized to the people in this bedroom, they were all sitting around, snorting blow. "That's alright." A girl laughed. "Care to join us?" She asked. I was about to politely say no, but I thought about it. All the guys do it, they don't seem to be affected by it too much. It's not like it's heroin. "Sure," I answered and walked in, shutting the door behind me.

(a/n: o fuk. well, i hope you enjoyed it, please vote! thank you so much for reading. feedback is always welcome, okay bye👻)

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