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Carly's POV

Finally, we're back home for a little bit. We're here from December 23rd-27th. It's not that long, but I'm excited to be home to spend Christmas with Nikki, our first Christmas together. I got home to listen to some voicemails. I got one from my Mom, saying she can't make it down for Christmas this year, it made me upset but, at least I have Nikki.

"Baby, ready to decorate the Christmas tree?" I asked Nikki, smiling wide. "We're only here for 4 days, is a Christmas tree necessary?" He asked. "Yes! It's tradition to put up a Christmas tree!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. "Okay, okay. Let's decorate it." He gave in. I smiled wide and got the decorations we picked up at the store and put them down by the Christmas tree. We started to put up the multicolored lights around the tree.

"It's already feels like Christmas!" I squealed, happily. Nikki laughed. "Christmas is my favorite holiday." I said. "Well, good thing I spoiled you." Nikki said, under his breath. "What?" I asked. "I didn't say anything." He smirked. "Please don't tell me you actually spoiled me, Nikki." I said, putting up the baubles. "Well, then I didn't." He winked at me, putting up some more decorations. "Nikki," I whined. He chuckled. "You deserve it, you're my lady." He said, kissing my head. I smiled.

"I'll feel bad, I know I didn't get nearly as much as you got me." I frowned. "Babe, you don't need to get me a lot, the fact that you even thought of me and got me something means the world to me." He said. I smiled. "Well, okay." I sighed.

We finished decorating the Christmas tree and all that was left was the star on top. Nikki went into the kitchen to get some Jack Daniels for us both. I stood on my tippy toes to try to get the star on top. I sighed when I couldn't reach. I felt hands grip my sides and lift me up, I yelped and I heard Nikki laugh. "Put the star on." He said, laughing a little. I put the star on top, and Nikki sat me down. "Thank you." I smiled.

He handed me a glass of Jack Daniels and we looked at the tree. "I love it." I smiled. "I love you." He said. "That was so corny." I giggled. "It's true, though." He kissed my head. I smiled. "I'm so happy that you're in my life, Nikki," I started. "You make me so happy, you're the best boyfriend I have ever had." I said, not looking at him. "Wow," he replied. "What?" I asked. "It's just, that's really the first time you expressed even a little bit of your feelings towards me and you're sober." He said. I smiled and finally looked up at him, he has a smile on his face. "Well, I realize that I should tell you how I feel more, you're my favorite person." I said.

He took my hand and lead me to the couch and we sat down. I took a sip of my drink and sat it on the coffee table. "Are you excited for Christmas?" I asked. He shrugged. "Well, Christmas' have never been my favorites." He said. "Never really has a good experience," he said. "Well, this year is going to be the best Christmas you've ever had." I said, pecking his cheek. He smiled. "It's already better. We actually have a tree." He laughed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "Tour is almost over, I'm excited to spend more time with you." He said. I felt a smile spread across my face.

"The feeling is mutual, babe." I said, turning and facing him. He leaned in and kissed me sweetly. "I know we'll go on tour for our next album and I want you to go to that one, too. I don't wanna be apart from you." He said. "I'll come, you don't even need to ask me. This tour has been tons of fun." I replied. "It's been fun for me, too. Mainly because you're there with me. In the audience every night." He said. "And, you know you don't have to be there every night. I'm sure listening to the same songs every night gets old." He said. "No, it's not old. Seeing you on stage, it brings light to my life." I said. Nikki brought me closer to him and I rested my head on my shoulder.

"I'm so excited to spend my favorite holiday with my favorite person." I said, cuddling into Nikki

(a/n: it's so weird to write a Christmas chapter when it's not even Christmas😂but, thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed! please make sure to vote, it's greatly appreciated. feedback is always welcome! okay bye👻)

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