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Carly's POV

The next day was a bit of a blur, I woke up and did my hair, makeup and left for work, work dragged on because all that was on my mind was Nikki. He was really cute, a guy never came onto me like that in my life.

When I got home from work, I kicked off my shoes and walked into my bathroom. I looked at my slightly teased hair and eyeliner surrounding my eyes. I removed my makeup and sighed, messing with my hair a little. I have too much on my mind.

I walked into my room and took off my work clothes and threw them on the clothes pile on my floor. "I'll get to it later.." I mumbled to myself and slipped into something more comfortable.

I walked back out into my empty living room. Stacy stays sometimes but, she has her own house. She left for work in the morning with me, so she's probably just gonna stay at her home now. I sighed and walked into the kitchen to get a snack, while walking in there, I caught sight of the napkin again. I walked over and unraveled it. I kept glancing over his number, the amount of times I've looked at this since I got it, I probably have it memorized by now.

Everyone in my life is always telling me to take a chance but, I don't know if I'm ready. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

Should I call? I don't even think he'll remember who I am, he probably talks to every girl like that, I'm probably nobody special. I sighed again and put the napkin down. I should just throw it away, it'll be a waste of time. I'll just embarrass myself. What if I don't, though? What if he's meant to be in my life? He was really cute, and he wasn't any sort of mean towards me, he was actually really nice.

I grabbed the napkin again and walked over to the phone. I started to dial his number and before I hit the final digit, I put the phone down. "Stop being a pussy, just call." I said to myself. I lifted the phone up to my ear and dialed the full number. It started to ring and the anxiety started to build.

"Hello?" A raspy voice answered. Either, I got a fake number or he just woke up. "Hi, this is Carly. We me-met yesterday." I replied. I heard him clearing his throat. "Oh, hey! I didn't think you'd call." I heard him chuckle. "I thought I might've scared you off." He added on. "Oh, no. You didn't. I just had to-to work t-today and didn't get the chance to c-call till now," I struggled through my words, yet again. "Well, I'm glad you did call.." He trailed off. "Are you busy for the rest of the day?" He asked me, I dry swallowed. "Uh, no. W-Why?" I asked. "I wanna see you again, duh." He laughed. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oh! Y-Yeah, okay." I sheepishly said. "Great, I'll pick you up in an hour." He said. My cheeks heated up and my heart started racing. "O-Okay, sounds good to me!" I replied. "Uh, Carly?" "Hm?" "I kinda need the address." He laughed, I face palmed. Idiot. "Oh right, of course." I gave him the address as clearly as I could, trying not to stutter and stumble over my words. "Great! I don't even live that far from there. I'll see you in an hour, Beautiful." He said. I felt my cheeks heat up even more. "O-Okay, bye." I quickly said and hung up.

Oh my god. I'm going to see Nikki in an hour. I quickly rushed to my bathroom and applied some foundation and eye makeup again. Smudged out black eyeliner and a nude lipstick with some blusher. I breathed out and walked into my bedroom. I looked into my closet.

Casual? Dressy? Am I going on a date? So many questions were going through my head. I decided on black jeans with rips in the knees and a KISS shirt. I grabbed my black converse and slipped those on. I know I don't have to be ready for another hour but, I'm so anxious, I need to do something. I walked back into my bathroom and teased my hair a little more and applied some hairspray. It's not too intense, just to add some volume.

As the time dwindled down, the more it felt like my heart would explode out of my chest. I heard a knock on the door and looked at the clock. He's a little early. I breathed out and walked over to the door, opening it.

"Hey," Nikki greeted me. "Ready to have the best day of your life?"

(a/n: i hope you enjoyed, thanks to my beeb for helping me w this chapter! please vote, thank you for reading, leave feedback, okay bye :'D)

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