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Carly's POV

The next morning, I woke up in the back room with Nikki. I rolled over and realized that Nikki and I are on the floor, and that we're both naked. I sat up and looked around, the door to the back room is open, my eyes went wide and quickly shut the door.

I heard Nikki groan from next to me. "Good morning, baby," he sleepily mumbled. "Good morning." I said, smiling a little. I stood up and held onto the wall and held my head. "My head is killing me." I whined. Nikki chuckled. "Well, that's what happens when you drink a lot of liquor like we did last night." He replied. I grabbed my underwear and slipped them on and grabbed Nikki's shirt and pulled it on. "You're always stealing my clothes." I heard Nikki say. I laughed a little. "Your clothes are comfy and smell like you." I replied.

I turned around and Nikki was standing up, stretching. He already had his boxers back on. "Wow, that's a nice love bite I left on you," Nikki pointed out. "Is it noticeable?" I asked. Nikki nodded and chuckled. "Well, the one I left on you is noticeable, too." I winked. He smiled and took my hands in his. "I have a question." I said. He raised his eyebrows, a small smile still spread across his face. "What happened last night?" I asked, my cheeks blushing a little. He chuckled. "Well, I could jog your memory," he said, lowly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer by lightly tugging on his shirt I'm wearing. Our lips touched and we started to passionately kiss, his hands moved to my bum and he squeezed more aggressively than he did before, I smiled against his lips and I pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss.

"Yo– Whoops!" The door swung open, Nikki and I broke apart and there was Vince. "You've done this twice already, what is it?" Nikki asked, annoyed. I giggled a little at his face. Vince laughed. "Well, sorry. But, don't you guys have enough hickey's?" He said, pointing to our necks. "But, we gotta get ready for sound check." He said. "So, get dressed!" He said, loudly and shut the door. Nikki and I looked back at each other. "Later?" He asked. I nodded. "Later," I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me softly. "Okay, let's get dressed. But, please continue to wear my shirt." He said and walked out of the back room.

I smiled and grabbed my pants and slipped them on to go out into the main area of the tour bus. I grabbed my suitcase and walked into the back area once again. I quickly got dressed, taking Nikki's shirt off briefly and slipping a lacy bra on and pulling the shirt back on. The sides of his shirt are really low, so my bra is visible. I grabbed my fishnet tights and slipped those on and grabbed my high waisted black shorts. I put them on and tucked the shirt in a little, still making sure that it was somewhat hanging out and loose fitted. I put my black Dr. Martin's on and put my dirty clothes in the other part of my suitcase.

I walked out and put my suitcase back and grabbed my makeup bag. "Damn!" I heard Tommy exclaim. I turned around. "You look hot, Carls!" He said, smiling. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks," I shyly said and grabbed my mirror and sat down at the table and began doing my makeup.

Nikki walked out of the bathroom, hair all puffed up, not yet wearing his makeup or stage outfit. Just wearing some back jeans and a black sleeveless shirt. "Hey, Baby." He greeted me, sitting next to me. He took a look at my outfit. "Woah, you look amazing." He smiled. "She looks hot!" Tommy yelled from the back room. "You're not allowed to say that!" Nikki yelled back, I laughed a little and decided to wing out my eyeliner a little bit today.

"Is there any occasion as to why you dressed up so sexy?" Nikki asked quietly, leaning in closer to my ear. I felt a chill go down my spine. "Just wanted to," I smiled. I finished my makeup and we all started to walk into the venue. A few fans stopped them to get autographs and I strayed away from them and walked into the venue by myself, I felt like I was just in the way.

I walked inside and walked through the backstage area. I kept walking until I made it to the stage. I looked out at the empty venue. I looked all over. This place is huge, I couldn't even imagine how intimidating it looks when it's full. I looked around at the instruments and the mic. If I had just gone for it, I probably could be here right now. If I had just followed my dreams, I could be touring or, playing for venues. Opening for bands, stuff like that. But, nerves took hold of me.

I heard footsteps approaching and I turned and saw the boys coming on stage. "Hey, we were wondering where you went." Mick said, smiling and walking past me to his guitar. "I just didn't wanna be in the way." I said, "you're never in the way." Nikki said, smiling at me.

I walked over to the front of the stage and sat down, my back against the wall so I could watch. "What song should we do for a sound check?" Nikki asked me. "Oh, I don't know, what's your set list?" I asked. "Just pick any song at all, it doesn't have to be on the set list." Vince said. I thought about it, out of all three of their albums, my favorite one is their first album. "On With The Show, it's my favorite song from my favorite album." I smiled. I saw Nikki's face light up a little. "Okay." He smiled.

The song started to play and I smiled wide. I watched Nikki the entire time, seeing how passionate he is about his music is very attractive to me.

The song came to an end and sound check went really well. Nikki and I ended up sitting up in the higher up seats, just talking. "Nikki?" I asked. He turned and looked at me. "Yes, my Love?" He asked, gently taking my hand in his. "You wrote the entire first album right?" I asked. He nodded. "By yourself?" I asked. He nodded again. "Why?" He smiled. "What's the song On With The Show about?" I asked. I felt Nikki tense up a little. "Well, it's about me," he said. "The first line, when it says Frankie, my name used to be Frank. I was named after my Father." He explained. "Oh, I had no idea. Why'd you change your name? If you don't mind my asking." I said.

"I was named after my Father and he left me when I was a little kid. One day, I wanted to call him. I tried to convince myself it was because I was broke and wanted to ask him for money, and I deserved that money to try to, 'make up' for the years he had abandoned me," he started. I could tell he was getting more and more upset with each word. "I called him and I told him it was his son calling, his voice went gruff and he said, "I don't have a son." And I cried and told him to fuck off, after that he told me to never call him again," he stopped. He took a deep breath. "That was the last time I ever heard his voice. So, the next morning, I decided I wasn't going to live with the name of a man who doesn't want anything to do with me, I changed my name. I changed who I was, I changed my whole person. I was no longer Frank, I was Nikki Sixx. A rock star who doesn't give a fuck about anything or anyone, I wanted to erase Frank, my past." He said.

"Wow," I said, my mouth dry. "I'm so sorry about your Father, Nikki." I said softly. He shook his head. "Nah, don't apologize." He smiled at me. I could tell it was a forced one, though. "But, the song is inspired by that event." He finished. I smiled. "Well, I love that song even more now." I smiled. He smiled again. "Also, your Father is missing out on one hell of a person, it's his loss." I said. Nikki smiled a smile that wasn't forced this time and leaned in and kissed my lips sweetly. Nikki rugged on my shirt, urging me to sit in his lap. I moved and sat in his lap, wrapping my arm around his shoulders, his head rested on my chest.

Nikki and I remained that way for a while, I didn't mind. I loved staying like this, I love being around him. I'm so happy that he's in my life, I'm so happy I'm here with him.

(a/n: hope you enjoyed! thank you so much for reading. please vote, it's greatly appreciated. feedback is always welcome! okay bye👻)

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