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Carly's POV

A week has gone by since Nikki has seen me in a state of hypomania. I haven't gotten like that since now that I have my medicine with me again. I've been staying with Nikki, every time I say I should go back, he begs me to stay. I'm not complaining, though. I love being with him.

"Hey, baby." I heard Nikki's voice. I looked up to see him walking into the living room. "Hi, love." I said. He smiled and sat next to me on the couch. "I have a photoshoot today," he said. I nodded. "That's exciting." I replied. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to do it with me?" He asked, my eyes went wide. "Have you seen me? I'm not someone who does photoshoots." I said, laughing. "Oh, c'mon. We can wear our matching outfits, it'll be so adorable that the camera person is gonna puke." He said. I laughed and laid my head on his shoulder. "I don't know, you're photogenic. I'm not, really." I said. "That's craaaap," he said, dragging his words out. "It'll be fun. I can even do your makeup like mine!" He said. I looked up at him, he stuck his lower lip out. "Please?" I groaned. "Fine, whatever." I mumbled. He pulled me into a tight hug. "This is gonna be so fun!" He exclaimed. "I'll go get our outfits. We leave in about 2 hours." He said, letting me go and standing up.

I leaned back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. What did I get myself into?

The 2 hours seemed to by quickly. We were already at the place and the guys were getting their hair and makeup checked, since they insisted that they wanted to do it. I was sitting by on the couch while I watched them all get ready. "Ready to get dressed?" Nikki asked me, breaking me from my thoughts. "I just remembered that my top is a bralette." I said. Nikki didn't seem to understand what the problem was. "You can see my arms and my stomach." I said. He still didn't seem to see what the problem was. "Nikki, I hate myself." I said, getting to the point.

"Oh, well. I don't see how. You're perfect in every single way," he said, walking over to me. He took my hands and stood me up. "You have an amazing body, you should show it off, my beauty." He said, kissing my lips. "Oh, I got lipstick on you." He said, I laughed. "That's so weird to hear coming from a guy." I walked over to the mirror and wiped the red lipstick off. "Go get dressed, babe. We have to do group ones soon and I wanna do your makeup like mine, and your hair–" "Hair is off limits." I cut him off. "Why??" He laughed. "Your head looks like a black cotton ball, I don't want my head to look like that." I laughed, he laughed and handed me my outfit. "Go, you bully."

I walked into the back room and put on my outfit and looked in the mirror. I tried to make myself look even a little bit decent but, nothing seemed to work. I look horrible. I heard a light knock. "You alright, Carly Beth?" I heard Nikki's voice. I slowly opened the door. "Oh my god, you're stunning." Nikki gawked. I felt my cheeks heat up. "I look horrible." I replied. "Oh my gosh, where?!" He exclaimed looking me up and down. You look amazing!" He said, smiling. My cheeks heated up even more and he took my hand and lead me over to the makeup area. "Okay, are you ready?" He asked, smiling. I smiled a little and nodded.

He started with my eyes, I shut them and I felt his fingers dabbing something on my eyelids. I felt an eyeliner pencil go over them, too. "Okay, your eyes are done." He said. "That's all?" I asked opening my eyes. "Mhm, I'm a simple man." He said. I laughed. He lined the bottoms of my eyes with eyeliner. "Do you wear mascara?" I asked him. He nodded. "Well, of course." He said. I giggled a little and he started to put the war paint under my eyes. Then he moved to my cheeks and put heavy blusher on them.

He leaned back a little. "Yep, almost done." He said, grabbing his red lipstick. I giggled with how serious he's taking this. He started to apply the lipstick to my lips. "Rub them together." He said. I rubbed my lips together to blend the lipstick a bit more. "How do I look?" I asked. "Better than me and it's my look." He said. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the mirror. "Wow, this is a look." I laughed. "Is that good or bad?" He said, looking at me in the mirror. "It's good. I love it." I smiled.

The guys went to go their group photos and I stood behind the camera watching them. I smiled every time Nikki posed for a photo. "Okay, now we're gonna do single ones, Nikki you'll be last since you wanna do some with your girlfriend," the camera man said, I looked at the camera man and then back at Nikki. He didn't confirm or deny that I was his girlfriend. I've been wanting him to ask me for a while now, but he still hasn't.

Nikki walked over to me. "Ain't this fun?" He asked, smiling. I smiled back. "Yeah, it looks fun. But, I'm not used to taking photoshoots like you all are." I replied. "You'll be a natural, Carly Beth." He said, hugging me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I've never been this happy before in my life. I'm so happy Nikki is here.

The boys finished their solo photos, Tommy's was the most entertaining to watch. "Okay, Carly, join Nikki, please." The camera man said. I shyly walked over to Nikki and he wrapped his arms around me. "You'll be fine, doll, okay? Don't be so tense. This is all for fun." He whispered, I looked up at him and smiled. "Okay, I'm okay," I whispered back. He nodded and looked over at the camera. Nikki wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, causing me to smile. The camera flashed. "Why don't you two kiss for one?" The camera man asked. I turned around and Nikki and I positioned ourselves and he looked down at me.

"You're doing amazing, babe." He whispered. "It's only been 1 photo." I replied. "Yeah, and you did is so well." He said. I smiled and I saw the camera flash out of the corner of my eye. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tippy toes and gently kissed him, his hands rested on my waist and pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I heard the camera go off a few times as we did this.

We posed a few more different ways, some of us looking like a couple and some that were just funny. Nikki picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, the camera flashed again. I looked over at Nikki and took my free hand to caress his face and leaned in and kissed him softly. The camera was going crazy with everything I was doing.

The photoshoot ended and we all walked to the dressing rooms. "Carly, you should model." Vince said. I laughed, thinking it was a joke but, soon stopped when nobody else was laughing. "Oh, you were serious?" I asked. He nodded. "You looked like a natural," Tommy said, chiming in. "I was gonna say that when we got back here, you were amazing." Nikki said. I smiled. "Thank you guys but, I'm not modeling material." I said, and walked over and started to wipe the makeup off my face.

Nikki walked up from behind me and kissed my cheek. "You got lipstick on my cheek," I laughed and wiped it off and threw the wipe away. "Wanna go on a real date tonight?" He asked. "A real date? What's your idea of a real date?" I asked turning and facing him. "You'll see," he smirked. I smiled. "Okay, you've intrigued me. I'll go on a date with you tonight." I said. "Wear that black dress with the long sleeves," he said. "Alright, love." I said and turned to change back into my regular clothes.

"This date for sure will be the best date of your life." I heard him say as I was shutting the door.

(a/n: i hope you enjoyed! thank you so much for reading. please vote, it's greatly appreciated. feedback is always welcome! okay bye👻)

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