{Chapter 1}

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Sunday 9, 2017 October 1:31 pm

I was at home alone waiting for a friend to come over. He said he'd be here at 2 o'clock so I had time to chill. All the sudden I get a text from him.

John: Hey Laf, I might be there early. Is that okay??

Lafayette: Oui! That's fine.

John: Thanks Laffy.

Lafayette: No problem mon ami! :3

I set my phone down and signed. Twenty minutes later I heard a knock at the door. "Hey Laffy." John said hugging me I hugged back, "Bonjour mon ami. How've you been." I asked very happy to see him.

"Yo Laffy. I've been great! What about you?"

"Fine I suppose." I chuckled. We broke from the hug, " Come in." I said smiling. We sat down on the couch and talked for a while until I heard another knock at the door. "Hold on."

I got up and opened the door. It was Maria Lewis.

"Hey Gilbert." Maria said with a small wave of her hand.

"Maria! How are you!!" I haven't seen her in years and it was great to see her. I hugged her tightly. "Heh I've been better." She said hugging back weakly.

As we broke from the hug I noticed her hair was in front of her eye and she had a jacket on. "Maria are you okay?"

She looked away then back at me. "Please come in." I told her getting worried about her. "Hello John." She said quietly. "Hey Maria, is everything okay??" John also was getting worried.

She moved the hair away from her eye. "Maria?!" Me and John looked at her in shock. She had a very black eye. "Maria what happened!?" John asked her getting up from the couch.

"It's nothing really. Me and my boyfriend just got into a small fight that's all."

"That's not a small fight! If he's hurting you, you need to leave him."

She just looked at us blankly, "I've tried...he won't let me..."

Hour later 3:14 pm

"Maria?" I looked at her but she was slightly dozing off. "Yes Lafayette?"

"Do you wanna stay the night?"

She smiled, "of course! Thank you so much!" She hugged me while she teared up slightly. I hugged her back.

"Do you have your phone with you?" She nodded her head. "Yup." She said smiling sweetly.

I got up and went to the kitchen, "So do you want anything to eat??"

"N-no I'll be fine." She said braiding her hair to the side. I just smiled at her, "ya sure?"


I heard my phone ring, I took it out of my pockets seeing that it was Thomas. "Maria I'll be right back."

"Okie dokie."

"Hello Tom."

Thomas sounded panicked when he spoke, "Laf! Can I come over please!!"

"Um why? I mean yeah but...was that glass shattering?"

I just heard yelling, "Yeah it w-was! I'll been there shortly!!!"

He hang up, I was just confused. I put my phone in my pocket and walked back in the house. "Hey Maria, my brothers coming over is that okay with you?"

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