{Chapter 12}

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                                            Month 6

Why do I keep waking up at 4 o'clock!? Though this time Laf wasn't in bed. God damnit. I got up and went downstairs. I looked around. It's too damn dark to see. "Laffy?" I whispered not wanting to yell. I called his phone knowing he keeps it on him 24/7.


I walked around the house somemore. That's it I'm talking with Thomas and James. I left the house and droves over to their's.

I knocked gently on the door.

Luckily Thomas answered it, "What's up Herc." He said seeming fully awake. Surprisingly. "Hey." He invited me inside and I saw James sitting at the table with flies of paper. "Hello Hercules." He said not looking up. "Why are you guys awake?" Thomas sat down on the couch, "So I might have tried calling my brother and he didn't answer. So later it was like 1 which I know he's normally up then however, this time he wasn't."

"Yeah. It's kinda off but I told Tommy that maybe he's sleeping but, you being here and he's not I'm going by that simply isn't the case." He said now looking up taking his glasses off.

"Alexander's place then?"

The two looked at each other then back at me. "Sure we can try."

We got in my car and went to their place. Alexander was awake sitting on the porch.

Alex being awake this early wasn't surprising. "Hey hamilfuck!" Thomas yelled.

"Wassup Jeffershit!"

"Guys stop!" Me and James yelled.

"Okay why are you guys here?" Alex asked us standing up. "We can't find Lafayette." James said.

"Wait..." Alex opened the door to the house, "Hey Liza can you come here?"

Eliza walked out she seemed like she was talking to someone. "Morning everyone."

"Morning." We said to her. "Liza who were you talking to?" Eliza sighed. "Laf." I walked up to her. "Where is he?" I held her hands cause she looked like she was gonna cry. I considered the schuyler sisters at my sisters because we had been close for years.

"Tell me where he is...please."

"Betsy?" Alex said putting his hand on her shoulder. See looked up at me. I understood by her face expression he was in trouble. "Thomas, James. Get in the car." I hugged Eliza and ran to the car and got in.

"Do ya know where ya goin' Hercules?" Thomas asked.

"Hell yeah I do!"

--------------------------------{20 minutes later}-----------------------------------

"This is your parents place, Thomas?" James asked him, he had never been here before I'm assuming. "Yeah..."

I heard a women scream. "James got out the car same with me and Thomas. First me and James ran in the house. James surprised me with a gun he had. I didn't know he had one.

Then darkness.
Wake up!

I woke up. I had the massive headache. James was crouched down, shaking me mercilessly. "I'm up....I'm up..."

I could hardly see. "Where's Lafayette?"

I saw another person crouch by me. "I'm right here. You're safe okay." Hearing him made me smile. "Are you...are you okay?" I asked him. "Oui...I am now. Now that I'm with you."

He hugged me like he'd would never see me again. "I love you so much!" He said crying.

"I love you too."

"But Herc you need to go to the hospital." James said sadly. "Why?" I felt the back of my neck. Is that blood? "Herc?" Laf said getting worried.

"Thomas help me get him into the car!"

That's all I heard.

It was dark. Cold. I felt like I was dying. I heard crying. Arguing. I want to wake up! Then I felt someone holding my hand. I love you...I hope you wake up soon.

It's was Laf. I opened my eyes slowly. He was so cute. His hair was down and in front of his eye. He looked amazing! "Herc?!"

"Hey." I said trying to just smile at him. "Oh Hercules!" He said hugging me while crying. "Ssh....I'm here, I'm okay."

He back up and went down and kissed me. "Be careful there Laffy." He got up and moved a chair close to me. He sat down holding my hand again.

I tried sitting up, "Non! Lay down." I pouted, "but Laffy I wanna sit up."

"But I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be fine."

I sat up, "God it feels great to not lay down!" I chuckled. He rolled his eyes.

"May I?" I asked him hoping he knew what I meant."

"Um...s-sure..?" He blushed. "I wouldn't if you feel uncomfortable about it." He shock his head, "Non it's fine." I smiled. I put my hands on his stomach, he looked away blushing deeply. "Don't feel embarrassed."

I leaned down and gently kissed his stomach. "Herc....."

"I'm sorry babe." I get back but my hands stay where they were. I wasn't looking at Laf but I said, " I can't wait to meet you~." I whispered. Laf smiled.

I, again, felt a little kick. Again, I teared up. "Ow..." Laf quietly whined.

Shit I didn't think that'd hurt him! "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah....I'm fine it just hurts a little bit. They were doing that almost all night."

"Oh I'm sorry Laffy." I laid back down. "Gonna sleep?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah....I'm tired that's all."

"Love you~."

"Love ya too my dear."

                     {God I hope we get better! Hehe....}

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