{Chapter 11}

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                                             Month 5

It was the middle of the night. Laffy was sle...Wait no he wasn't. Where the fu- "Ooooowww!" I jolted out of bed and ran downstairs.

It seems he hit his knee on the chair in the living room. Tears went down his cheeks , "Laffy..." I sighed. He started fully crying making me just stand there and give him a weird look. "It hurts!"

I went over to him and crouched down.

"Here," I picked him up, "let me take you back to bed. Why were you up anyway?"

He shrugged, "Laf...you know it's too early for this."

"I know....."

I took him back up to bed. I put my arm around him, snuggling with him. I love him so much. He's my everything. If anyone tried to hurt him I'd protect him in a heartbeat!

I hate saying this but a lot of times I can't sleep only cause I'm worried and crying over dumb shit. What if I can't be there for him? What is his father gonna do next? Damnit I'm doing it again.

Laf woke up and looked at me, "Herc?" He looked concerned. "Yes my dear?" I respond wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"Honey, were you crying?"

"Hah! Me? Cry? Hah nope." I smiled. "Stop lying."

"Sorry....yeah I was crying so what..."

"What wrong?" I looked down then back at him, "I'm just worried about somethings baby. That's all...I promise..."

"M'kay." He went back to sleep. I looked at the clock. 7:30

Shit! "Laf wake up!" He opened his eyes and looked at me. "What?"

"Don't you have a "meeting" with your mom and father at 8:00?"

He got up, "fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" He yelled running around the room trying to get ready. I got ready but still sleeping half way. "Why does it need to be so early?!" I groaned walking over to the dresser. "That's the only time we could get together!" He said almost running out the room.

I changed my clothes and walked downstairs. "Ready to go yet dear?" I said standing by the door. He didn't respond. Then he walked up to me. "Mhm..." He wasn't him normal happy self... we got into the car. On our way to their house Laf was looking out the window looking depressed.

"What's wrong Lafayette?" I said putting my hand on his lap but kept the other one on the wheel.

"Nothin' I'm fine."

We got to their house. It looks nice. "We're here Laf." He got out this car without talking. He knocked on the door. His mom answer it. "Hey honey." She said hugging him.

Laf smiled hugging back. "Bonjour mama."

It was cute seeing this. I waved at his mom. "Hello ma'am."

She hugged me, "Hello Hercules." She invited us in. Then I saw....his father. "Hello Laffy...herc..." I got mad just looking at him. "Hello father...."

We went into the living room and talk for a while until this son of a bitch, "Hercules may I have a word with you?" His father got up motioning me to follow him. I got up and went. "Yes sir?" I know I hate him but I need to be polite.

"Sir?" I stepped back. He grabbed a knife, "shit..." I mumbled under my breath. I stepped back more. He turned around and had the most devilishly smile ever.

I opened the door behind me and ran to Laf. "Honey what's wrong?" His father walked out, no knife with him. Was I imagining that?

"Nothin' but whatever he needs to tell me he can do it right here!"

He sat down next to Laf. I was on the other side of him so that's a thing. I can protect him so I'm good I hope. All the sudden Laf started shaking, he was scared I could tell. His mom however said she needed to do something so...fuck!

"Laf we need to leave." He was too scared to talk. I grabbed his arm and got him away from his father.

"We need to leave. Nice seeing you guys." I said in anger. We left but when we got to the car Laf gripped my arm. "Laffy?"

He started crying, I got him in the car and we went to our place. "Hercy..." He said quietly. I realized it was fucking late! We were there the entire day damn. That's surprising. "Yes Lafayette?"

"I'm scared..."

"I'm know... Wait about what?"

He scoffed, "Don't worry about it." He got home I fell on the couch. Laf went to our room and slam the door shut. He's mad. Fuck. I went upstairs and and knocked on the door cause I don't know if he locked it or not. "Laffy my darlin'?"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Damn he really is mad. I sat on the other side of the door. God damn the floors cold. "Laf...please let me come in."

Silence then, "GO AWAY!" his voice broke. He started crying. "Laffy...."

"Just go away..."

I walked to the downstairs couch. Look I'm a tough guy, but when every Laf hurts I feel it too. Tears went down my cheeks, buried my face into the pillow.

I felt asleep, but then, 3:44 it's early.

I was the kitchen light on. "Laf?" I said quietly. I don't think he heard me heh. I stayed laying down. I was gonna go back to sleep but, Laf came over to me and pointed me with a cold spoon I think.

"Here." He had a spoon with what I'm assuming ice cream I don't know. I tasted it anyway. I was correct. "What's that for?" I asked looking at him but still laying down.

"Guess what."

He was so happy. What happened? Eh.."What dear?"

"Sit up." I sat up and put the blanket back on me cause it's cold. He took my left hand and put it on his stomach. "What's this for?" I yawned. I felt a small kick. I tears up but didn't cry. "T-They kick m-me." Laf smiled.

He got off the couch so did I. He was wearing a long shirt probably one of mine tbh. I bent down sort of placing my hands on his stomach. I smiled sweetly.

I got back up kissing Laf on the cheek. We went to our room got in bed and fell alseep. The next morning I got up and looked my laffy. He's so cute when he sleeps.

I went downstairs and laid on the couch. It was pretty early so I was fine. John texted me so I responded to that.

But then I noticed a text from and unknown number. Before I answered it is went upstairs to the room and got back in bed next to Laf. Of course it was his father treating me again. Honestly what's new? He needs to leave me alone I swear.

        { His father is gonna feel my rath if he hurts Laffy}

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