{Chapter 10}

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                                          Month 4

This time I'm actually happy. I don't know why. Well that was until everyone like Alex, John and everyone was spamming my phone. Why? I haven't told my friends and my brother that I was pregnant...Shit...

"Yo Laffy! Thomas is here!" Herc yelled from downstairs. Fuck!!! Well I guess he's gonna need to find out anyway.

I walked downstairs to see him. He was with James, luckily. He ran over to me hugging me. "Tom b-be g-gentle." He looked confused at first. He back a little away.

"Why?" Herc was in the back smiling widely. "Tell him Laffy!!"

"Tell me what??"

I signed, "Thomas, I...I'm pregnant..."

"What?!" He snapped. James was also getting very happy. Thomas had tears running down his cheeks.

"So...I'm gonna be a uncle?" He said smirking widely. "Oui."

He hugged me carefully again. "I'm so happy!"

"Congrats there, horsefucker." James said to Hercules making him look at him a little annoyed. James chuckled. We talked for a while and told him about things with this.

"Bye guys!" Thomas said. "Bye bye." I waved.

When they left I turned around hugging my husband. Suddenly I felt a bit of pain in my stomach. Herc looked at me freaking out. "Babe what's wrong!" He got me on the bed. "I don't k-know."

He placed his hand on my stomach, which was something I also hated. It just made me feel uncomfortable. I blushed. He moved his hand apologizing for that. "Herc it's fine."

He kissed me still didn't know why I was in pain and few seconds ago. 



"Did Thomas seem....off to you?"  I was confused, "Non why?"

"Well, it's the middle of summer and he's wearing long sleeves shirt and and very heavy clothes." Now I think of it yeah. James also seemed...not himself. "Yeah so did James. Do you think somethings up?" He nodded, "yeah..."

We agreed the next day we would go over to talk with them. We knocked on the door. Thomas answered, "Oh little bro! Nice seeing ya here!"

"Hello Tom."

He welcome us into the house. "So what'd ya need."

"Tommy what's wrong?" Herc said seeming no concerned or anything. "W-what?" I signed crossing my arms. "Where is a place just you and me can talk alone?"

He took me to his room. "Laf...what's this about?"

"Has he hurt you?" He looked baffled. "W-who??" He chuckled nervously. "Our father."

He looked away but then looked at me. He slowly nodded his head. I put my hand on him knee not knowing to comfort him or find my dad and fucking kill him. "Laf...don't tell anyone. Please...not even James...."

"Why not him..?"

"He'll see me as weak and not able to protect myself."

"But Thomas, if he's hurting you, you need to tell someone." He leaned over hugging me while crying. "It's okay....it'll all  be fine, I promise."  

I was getting concerned for Thomas and me. What is he gonna do...if...damnit I'm crying!

I will forever protect my family. No matter what!

We had to leave a few hours later. I want to make sure everyone in my life is safe. But...but what is my father gonna do when he.... I can't think about that. We're safe now. Herc walked into the bedroom getting into bed with me.

"Hey baby how ya feelin'?" He put his arm around me pulling me closer to him. "Fine...I suppose."

"Ya still worried about Thomas?"

I nodded my head. "He'll be okay for now."

He played with some of my hair, I was okay with it. But that wasn't the only reason I was worried.

I was scared for our child. Herc could probably see that I was because he smiled warmly and said, "Our kid will be okay."

"I know....I think...but what if my father hurts them?"

"Sssh....he won't...it's just us right now okay?"


He kissed me and pulled me closer. He put the blanket on us and we snuggled for what felt like years. I fell asleep and so did Herc.


{ I need to protect my fucking family like my life depends      on it!}

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