{Chapter 4}

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Wednesday 18, July 2019 early morning



I slowly wake up to Hercules shaking me slowly. "Oui? What do you need?"

"I need my angel to wake up~."

"Why babe. It's too early for this..." I spoke soft moving my hair away from my face so I could see better. "Guess what today it." He seems so nice...nicer that normal.

"Um...I don't really know. Don't you think it's too early to ask questions?"

"Nope!" He smiled.

"What's today Hercules?"

"Our wedding."

I shot up in bed looking at my phone. Indeed it was. Fuck fuck fuck!!! How did it get here so quickly?!

"Herc let me get out of bed! I need to get r-"

"Shh...I'm already done with that. All I need to do is to ask you this. Do you want a suit or dress?"

"A dress I suppose."

"Okay white I assume."


"Okay I need to get material for it."

"Herc you can make clothes too?!"

"Yes. Yes I do. And you can't say no to this!"

"Hehe okay fine."

I got up and got dress and went with him because why not. We got home and he started working on the dress. After 2 hours he was done. That was fast.

"Try this on baby."

I went and put it on and holy fuck! It's beautiful! How does he do this?!

"Let's me see Laffy!"

I walk out to see him, "you look beautiful."

I bowed slightly. "Thank you so much Herc!"

"You're welcome."

I went back and changed into my normal clothes. I didn't need to change until 2 o'clock so I had time. "Herc I'm going to Peggy and John's place!"

I call from the front door I left. "Okay See ya at what time?"

"Um...1:30 if all goes well!"

Okay he needs to move his office place downstairs so we don't have to yell. "Okay I love you!"

"I love you too baii!"

I took my keys from pocket then grabbed my phone.

Lafayette: I'll be there soon.

Peggy: okie dokie :p

I got in the car and drove to her house. When I got to her place I saw John planting flowers in a garden they had in the front yard.

I got out my car and waved at him, "Hey John."

He looked up, "Hey Laffy. Peggy should be out shortly. You can go in and see if she's ready though. "Okay thanks."

"No problem." He went back to planting. I walked in the house it was kinda small but nonetheless cute. "Hey peggs."

I heard her running down the stairs. She had a sun hat and yellow dress on with with shoes. "You look adorable Peggs." She smiled, "Thank you Laffy."

"So are you ready to go?"

She nodded her head, "yeah." We left the house but before we got in the car she went over to John kissing him on the cheek and said goodbye. Which was the cutest thing I have ever witness.

We got in the car, "So where we off too?"

"Anywhere you wanna go."

"Um mall? Yeah but what time do we need to leave?"



We drove to the mall and shopped around for a while. We got back to the car and drove back to her house. "Thanks Laffy I'll see you really soon."

"Yup bye!"


I drove back to our house. Where's his car? Herc shouldn't have left yet. Should I call him?

I got out of the car and walked inside. All the lights were off. "Herc?" Silence. I looked in every room in our house. In his "office" I saw a note, I picked it up and read it.

Sorry if you got back and I wasn't there. All you need to do is put your dress on. Meet me at the park at 2:00. Love you!

I hurried up and and got the dress on and fixed my hair to the best of my abilities. I but flowers and a little bit of white glitter knowing Peggy is just gonna throw glitter on me like what she did for Eliza.

I call Eliza and asked if she could pick me up cause I wanted to leave my car at home.

A few minutes later Eliza showed up with Angie and Philip. I got in the car and looked at Eliza who was on the verge of tears.

"You look so beautiful Laf."

"Merci Eliza." We hugged then went to the park. I still didn't want an outside wedding but it was a nice day so....

We got out the car, looking around I saw my brother and...no... not my parents! Eliza motion the kids to sit with their dad. "Is something wrong?"

"My parents are here..." Eliza look over and saw them sitting in the very front. "N-no I-I didn't need them showing u-up."

I tried not to cry right there, "Laf honey it's okay. Don't look at them. Remember, you're getting married to someone you love dearly."

"You're right..." I have a feeling Herc saw me freaking cause I turned my head and saw him running toward me.

"Baby what's wrong." He put his hands on my cheek. "Mon parents are here."

"Shit! I didn't tell them about this?!"

"I know Thomas probably did. I'm not mad at him but."

"Sssh it's okay." He went back up standing next to James.

"I'm going to go sit with my family okay. Congrats again."

She waved at went over to them.

Here goes nothing, no here goes my life! What if....no...be happy...be okay...

George came up to me and offered to walk me down the aisle. When we got to the front he went to the other side and sat next to his wife.

In many ways George and Martha are more my parents than my actual parents.

Now I was facing Herc, he held my hands through this. I love this man so much! After we said our 'I do's' and everything, we went to a friend's place and had somewhat of a party.

It was honestly fun.

We got back home, I fell asleep on the couch only to have Herc take me to his room. "Goodnight Laffy." He kissed me and fell asleep himself.

{I'm finally married! Nothing can go wrong! BEST DAY EVER!}

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