{Chapter 7}

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                                                                      Monday 27, July 2019 2:38 am

It's too early to wake up. "AAAAAAHHH!!!!!" Nevermind.I shot up out of bed looking around for Laf. "Laf? Honey is something wrong. "N-No...I'm fine~." I didn't believe him. I got up and went to the bathroom where Laf was. I walked in seeing Laf on the floor tears going down his cheeks. "Oh no." I went over Laf and crouched down. 

"Baby. What's wrong? Was it me?"  he moved away from me even more. I could tell he was terrified. "Laf?" 

"g-g-go a-away! y-you'll m-make this w-worse." He was a studdering mess. "Laf..."

I looked down to see something in his hand. "Laffy? What's that..." 

"N-Nothing!" my face went from worried to angry. "Laf give it to me."


I backed up a little surprised Lafayette yell. "L-Laf....please...No matter what it is. I'll be there." I tried to sound nice and less mad. I think it work. "h-h-h-here..." He gives me a...it this a..My face went blank. "H-Herc. say something!" 

What did he want me to say? 

I looked at the test until I saw. 







AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! HOW? WHAT? WHEN? NO.... YES!! Tears went down my cheeks "Herc?!" 

"Laf......I'M SO HAPPY!" 

I hugged him tightly crying even more now. "We're gonna be fathers!!!!!!" 

I picked Laffy hugging him and kissing him. "Herc!" I put Laf down, "Yes~" 

"You know what this means right?" I nodded my head, "Of course I do!"He shook his head, "It means....that my parents will find out." 

I remembered, he did not get along with them at all. "Oh...we won't tell them." 

"I can't do that. They'll be here in 5 months. I can't just simply hide it. I'll have to tell them..."

"Then I shall help talk to them!" 

                                                                 {YES! IMMA BE A DAD!!!!}

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