{Chapter 9}

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                                           Month 2

I want to fucking die right now! The sickness is not going away! Herc is just over working at the point he forgot....I won't say it. "Hercules." Herc turned around quickly. "Yes hun?"

"I have a question to ask you." He looked more worried, "y-yes?" I looked at him being very mad. "Did you forget my birthday?" He looked at me shocked and scared. "N-no.."

"Yes you did!" I held back tears just to not look weak. "IT WAS THREE DAYS AGO!"

"Shit... I'm so sorry. I was s-so busy with work t-that I forgot. Laffy I'm so sorry." He stood up placing his hand around me. "I'm very sorry Laf." I sighed. I can't stay mad at him forever. "I...I forgive you..." from saying that just made me less mad and just annoyed.

"I need to go ok." I moved away from him. "I love you."  Herc said still feeling bad, I can tell. "I love you too." I walked away. I called my mom, only because I feel better if I talk to her.

It was an hour later and I became getting sick again. Herc ran in, "Laffy are you okay?"


I clenched my stomach as tears went down my eye. I've been sick but not like this.

"Here." He gave me medicine and put me on the bed. I just want it to end, right fucking now! "Hey Laf..." he said looking at me worried. "Oui babe?" He holds my hands and looked sad. "Are you sure we're ready for this. I mean I've never been a father before and I-I don't know anything about i-it..." 

"Hush...we will be okay. We'll be excellent fathers. You trust me non?"

"Yeah I do..." I kissed his cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too." I believe it was around 10:32 so I went to sleep.



                                           Month 3

So.... I wasn't in a good mood. Why? Because I began  showing and I didn't like it. It wasn't too bad but I still don't like it. Everyone will find out sooner or later. Not even my brother knows. What am I gonna tell him?!

"Hello hun." Herc said walking into the room. I was not really in a good mood about things and I just turned to look at him. "You look so cute!" He told me. I blushed and looked away.

"No I don't." He nodded his head, "you look beautiful."

Hercules picked me up again. He knows I hate it. He took me to the living room and placed me on the couch. I gave him an upset look.

"Why am I down here?"

"I have a surprise..." He said walking off somewhere. "That is?" I saw some women follow Herc. Wait....that's my, "mom?!" I got up and ran over to her. "Hello my little Laffy." I teared up, "how've you been?"

She looked down, "I wish I could say better."

"What happened?"

"Your father father is back home. He's been wanting to see you again but I told him he couldn't and he hit and threw me on the ground. He's home right now but...when he gets up he'll try to find me. I should go back though. It was wonderful to see you my dear."

I signed, "Okay but do be safe mom. I love you..."

"I love you too." She left. I wasn't gonna cry or anything.

Herc put his arm around me trying to comfort me, "it'll be fine, right?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure it will be."

"Are you getting tired yet?" He asked, "Yeah... I am..." I replied. We went to out room, we got in bed. Herc instantly fell asleep. I stay up till getting tired myself. I kissed his cheek and went to sleep.




                    {I'm still scared about all of this!} 

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