{Chapter 14} ⚠⚠

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                                 Monday 12, 2019 idk....9:00pm

James had been gone for a while so I was home alone. Laf and Herc came over for a while so I guess that was nice.  I was cleaning for a bit because in my eyes the house was a mess. Laf told me that his "Father" was coming over. I can't even call him that! What he did to my brother and me. 

I heard a knockin' on the door so I went to answer it.


It's Laf's dad...great. Look, I believe I'm a nice guy but, I really REALLY don't like him. I'd kill him if I was strong enough. 

"What the hell do you want?" I said leaning up against the door frame.

Unfortunately Me and Laf have a feminine body structure. I hated it! "Oh nothing just want to talk to ya that's all."

"M'Kay? Come in then."

He walked and I shut the door behind him. "So,  How've you been?" I asked wanting to at least be polite no matter how much I don't like him. "Good. How about yourself?"

We talked for a while and actually, if I'm honest, I enjoyed it.  It was getting pretty late, "Well you should get home. It's hella late, heh." I walked him to the door however, he stopped. "You know Thomas." He grabbed my wrist pulling me toward him.

"What are y-you?!"  He cut me off my roughly kissing me, his grip got tighter. He knocked me out.

Later I wake up to darkness.

I was tied up and probably gagged too. "Now I got you Tommy dear~." a soothing voice told me. I couldn't respond but sit there and cry. It was quiet so he didn't hear it. I wanted Jemmy to help me at some point.

I tried to get my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Where are my clothes? I should have guessed from the coldness. 

The sound of soft footsteps met my ears as I shivered from lack of heat.

I felt a blade meet my chest. It started to cut my skin as I cried from the pain. He didn't say a thing. I want to scream but all I can do is cry. He stopped cutting me and got behind me resting his head on my shoulder.

He removed the gag so I could speak, "Why are you doing this?!" I cried.

"Why? Well, because Tommy dear, I've always wanted you. When Lafayette talked about how lovely you are I wanted to see why he said this." He walked away while still talking, "So with James being gone I knew I should come over to your place."

How did I not notice this. The way he looked at me when we were talking before?!

I felt his hands on my waist and go down. "S-Stop!" He started biting and sucking at my neck. I couldn't but scream in pain from all this. I luckily was able to control my body so I wasn't gonna give in to what he wants.

"Give in Tommy~" He spoke softly as I felt his breath on my neck making me shiver.

He stopped and stood in front of me, "Now my dear," He said pacing, "Give up trying to fight me or..." He paused. "Or what?!" I yelled, my voice cracked while speaking. "Well, it would be unfortunate if something happened to your brother, now wouldn't it~?"


"Oh Really~?"

"Please....don't hurt him....Not now....not ever...."

"Then do as asked!"

"Y-Y-Yes sir." I was sick by my words. I feel like I betrayed my husband.  He made out with me for a while. "Call me 'Master' or else."

"Y-Yes m-m-master..." I spit. He laid me down and started grinding down on me. I felt all my dignity fade away. Why was allowing this!? Why am I weak!?

I whispered to myself hoping he didn't hear me, "I'm sorry James." he didn't hear it so I was good.

This went on for a while. I want Laffy. I wish Jemmy was here to hug and love me. I feel like I'm dying. I saw my blood on the ground, I think he stabbed me. "I'm so sorry...." I heard yelling and that was it.

Later I woke up to Eliza sitting by Laf comforting him.

"Daddy, will uncle Tommy be okay?" I heard Philip say to Hamilton. Tears went down my cheeks. I didn't want to open my eyes. What if James was here. He'll be so mad at me!

"I...I hope so Philip...I hope so.." Hamilton told Philip. He...He cares?!

I opened my eyes to the bright light from the hospital. "Thomas!" James hugged me tightly while crying. "Jemmy?" I was dizzy so it took a while for me to understand what was happening.

"Oh Thomas I was so worried about you!"

"I know...."

"I love you so much!"

"I love you too Jemmybear."

He got a chair and sat by my bed and talked with me for a bit.

I looked over at Laf who was still crying and scared about everything like I was. "Hey bro bro."

He was quiet. "Thomas do you know what's wrong?" I shook my head. Eliza looked at Herc who was pacing getting concerned. "What's wrong with you both?" I asked them. Laf whispered something to Liza and gave her a note thing. She gave it to me and told me to open it. As I read threw it I looked at Laf surprised.

"T-Twins?!" My expression turned from shocked to very happy. "We found out before we came here. When we found out what happened we were still at the doctors."

"I'm so happy so you Laffy!!"

He smiled and that was it. "Herc, is Laf okay he isn't talking?" James asked.

"Well when we found out he was surprised and scared. Then this happened and yeah."

"Hi Uncle Tommy." Philip and Angie said at the same time. "Hey kiddos." I said waving at them. They came over to the bed and hugged me which was adorable.

A few hours went by James, Laf and Herc stayed with me so I wasn't alone. "Laf you look tired maybe you guys should go home." Laf shook his head, "Non! I've fine."

"Laf, Thomas is right It's getting late and we need sleep. Plus James is here to watch over Thomas."

"Fine." He said.

They said goodbye then left.

The rest of the night me and James just talked and then we fell asleep.

{Wow....Today was...A day heh...Fuck my life...}

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