{Chapter 8}

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                                          Month 1

What time... 4:03 ... oh...I look to my side to see Hercules asleep. I slowly got up not trying to wake Herc up. Luckily I wasn't sick like always so I went down to the kitchen for a second to get water then went back up to our room. I walked in the room again trying to wake my husband up.

I sat back in bed and grabbed the book I had on the nightstand.

I look at Hercules who was still sleeping but tears were going down his eyes. He was softly talking in his sleep.

"Herc?" I shook him slightly trying to wake him up this time. "S-stop!" He was crying harder now. "Herc are you wake or is th-."

"Let him go!"

I..I'm waking him up now!


He shot up from bed looking at me. "L-Laffy." Hugging me tightly.

"Herc W-what happened?" He backed away and looked at me smiling. "Why are you smiling?"

"Because....You're still alive and that was all a dream."

"W-what was?" He turned away but then back at me, "I had a "dream" that you got killed and I could save you." Yeah I was shocked but this has happened before. "Well....I'm here..."

He kissed me gently, "yes. Yes you are."

We went back to sleep luckily.

The next morning I get up to roses on the ground. "Uuuuummm....what the fuck is all this?" I looked at the clock. 11:54. Oh...oh okay.... not a dream I suppose. I get up and follow where the roses were going.

It went to Herc's office. I opened the door, "Oh I see ya followed the path." He said turning around in his chair.

"Herc what this for??" I giggled. He got up and walked over to me with something behind his back. "Whatchu got there Hercy?" 

He held up a flower. Two if I'm honest, the colors were pink and blue. I understood what he meant by this. "Hun you know I can't give you the answer right? It's too early to know."

"I know my dear. But take your guess though."

I pointed at the blue rose. "A boy?" I nodded my head. "But I don't know until a few months." 

We both heard a very rough loud knock at that scared us both. "Stay here Laf." He walked out shutting the down behind him. I think he opened the door. I stood quiet toward the door. "CHILL!" I hear Herc yell. "WHERE HIS HE?!!" I freaked out knowing who that was. My dad. A million things went through my mind. "HE'S NOT FUCKING HERE DAMN!"

"AAAAHH!" He slammed the door open. "YOU'RE LEAVING!" I was on  the floor sobbing. He's obviously is drunk. "Please stop Dad....." I scooted back more trying not to damage Herc's stuff. Herc came up behind my dad choking him and getting him away from me. "Run." He told me. I just ran outside and stood by my car. I was not scared anymore, not very worried. Herc was strong so...

He called police, they came and took my dad. Nice... "You okay laffy?!" Herc said picking me up and hugging me tightly.

"Oui I'm fine."

"Good he's never gonna hurt you again."

I hugged him, I felt safe when he was around. "Herc."

"Yes Laffy?"

"Can you put me down please." He set me down, "thank you."

We went back inside and laid on the couch. We ended up falling asleep.

          {What's going to happen if my father comes back.}

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