{Chapter 6} ⚠

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                          Saturday 20, July 2019 11:33

"Laf baby I'm home!"

I got back from work but when I called Laf he didn't answer. I went up to our room, but the door was lock.



"Can you unlock the door?"

"Yes I can but you have to stay out there til I say okay."

"Um okay...?"

Two minutes went by, "O-ok come in."

"Laf why did y-"

"Happy birthday Papa."

I couldn't help but just stand there. Damn he looks hot! "T-thank you Laffy." He got up and walked over to me and put his arms around my neck.

"I love you~."

I put my hands on his waist, he was wearing the cute cheerleader outfit I have ever fucking seen. "Baby where did you get this?"

"I bought it today when you were at work. Hehe..."

He got closer to my face and kissed me very roughly. I kissed him back bitting his lip a few times. "Herc." He moaned turning me on more.

"Laf are you sure you wanna do this?" I said breaking away from the kiss. "Oui..."

"Okay love."

I picked him up, he placed his legs around my waist. We kissed for which seemed like years. "Papa please~."

"Please what?"

"F-Fuck me..."

"You absolutely sure?"

He nodded his head, we got over to the bed.

"May I?" I asked before removing his shirt. "Oui."

I lift up his shirt and admiring him. I went down bitting his neck left not noticeable hickeys. "Herc please!" I just sighed. "Wait, I'll get there okay."


I got done and got up. "If you want me to do this you need to take you skirt off."

"Okay papa. But please don't look!"

I turned around, "I won't."

1 2 3 4 seconds went by. "Okay you can look."

I turned to look at him, he had at least the sheet on him. "Take the sheet off you silly." He looked away then back at me. "Okay..." He slowly moved hit away from him.

I took my shirt off and got on the bed with him. "Let me guess, I'm your first?"

He nodded his head slowly, "Oui, you are."

"Okay I'll be gentle okay?" I took the rest of my clothes off and flip Laf over. Before pushing in, "Ready my dear? Tell me when to stop if I need to." 

"Okay I-I will..."

I push in slowly trying not to hurt him. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine. C-Can you move please?" I nodded my head, thrusting slightly faster. "F-Faster!" He moaned out. I went faster but I still tried not hurt him.

"Hercules m-more please f-f-fuck~!"  

I grabbed his waist to steady myself. Pulling out then rammed back into him. "HERC~! There right there~!!!" 

Wow...He's so loud...It's cute! 

I kept hitting that spot that made Laf scream. "I-I'm close Papa."

"Me too" A couple more thrust and we both came. 

"Thank you Baby..." I said laying next to him. "you're welcome Hercy..."

We kissed and fell asleep. 

                                                         {I love my Laffy....Everthing is perfect!}

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