{Chapter 2}

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Monday 3, October 2017 9:00 pm

I started fixing my hair and getting my clothes to wear. "Hey Maria!" I called from upstairs. "Yeah?"

"I need help with something."

Maria came upstairs and opened my bedroom door. "Yeah?"

"I know this is weird but can you help with my hair and makeup please." Maria's eyes lit up. "Of course I can."

A few minutes went by, "Done~." She had a singing tone to her voice. She gave me the mirror. "Thank you soooo much Maria!"

"You're welcome Dear. Now you better hurry. I'll be fine alone."

"Okay baiiii."

I rushed out to my car. I drove to his house, as I arrived I noticed her was sitting out on the steps to his porch. I got out of my car and walked up to him. "Is something wrong?"

"Mh? No I'm fine." He stood up and look at me. "Damn. You look so beautiful!" He told me as he put his hands on my waist.


"But may I ask something?"


"Why the dress?"

I had forgotten I picked this outfit to wear. "I like it I guess..."

"Well I think you look gorgeous in it." I blushed and smiled softly. "Shall we go inside?"

"Of course." We walked into his house and wow. It's so beautiful. "Your house is so beautiful Herc."

"Nah it's kinda a mess."

He walked into the kitchen, "I hope you like this~."

He took me to the dining room and pulled the chair out for me. "Have a sit my dear." I chuckled while blushing. I sat down in the chair and look at him run back into the kitchen.

He came back out, placing the food on the table and then sat down in the chair closest to me. I started toying with my hair a bit.

After that we just watched some movies in the living room. "Laf..." He talk quieter that normal. "Yes?" I said snuggling up closer to him.

"I..I think I love you...."


"Shit! S-sorry. I didn't mean to...I-I mean... What I mea-"

I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to me, What am I doing?! I started to kiss him passionately. Or to my best abilities. See I've never done this before so I don't know what this is like.

"I'm s-sorry! I don't know what got over me!"

"No I-I liked it."



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Omg of course!" I was so happy. I hugged him like I'd never see him again. "You know I can't sleep over though right?"

"Yeah I know. It is getting late. Tell Maria I said 'hi' okay my love?"

"Of course mon amour~." I was just about to leave but Herc spun me around and kissed me. "I love you"

"I love you too Hercules."


                          {I can't wait to see him again!}

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