Chapter 6

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Goddess POV

      I never sleep well. I usually sleep for an hour until I wake up trying to convince my body to fall back into it's unconscious state. But I actually slept until 8. Thank god today is a Saturday. My body ached with ever movement I made as I sat up. I started to shiver from the lack of clothing. So I started searching for Tray and for the warmth he provided me with. He was on the other side of my king sized bed. His midsection and up was exposed to the icy air. I rolled over snuggling up to him.  Unconsciously, he rolled over and captured me in his arms. Resting his head on my breasts. I tried to remove his head from my chest and have it rest against my shoulder. Yet he just tighten his grip and grunted lowly.

I couldn't help but smile. I just grabbed my covers and pulled it over our bodies. His warmth filled me with bliss and happiness. I kind of felt a sense of completeness. And i allowed myself to get engulfed in that feeling. I laid there drawing patterns into his skin. I let my hand travel the landscape of his body. I didn't dare travel below his waist. Yet I couldn't help but feel on the define muscles on his chest, stomach, back and arms. Why is he like this? Such a tempting sight for women.

Suddenly his hands snapped out to stop my hands from feeling on him. I was now on my back as he was now between my thighs and my breath hitched in my throat. He eyes began to fill with lust as he took in my naked body with the light splashing the windows giving him a perfect view. He bit his bottom pink lip and I let out a small whimper as the action sent a jolt to my pussy. I was already drenched and the embarrassing moan that escaped my lips made him snap. He smashed his lips onto mine as he grind his already hard cock into my bare glistening core through his boxers. He captured my moans with his mouth as I drug my nails down his back causing him to let out a moan of his own.

     "Goddess," my mom yelled. I reflexively moved my lips from his. I tried to push him off me but he just weighed me down with his on body as he rubbed his erection into me even more leaving me breathless and moaning.

      " Let me go, I can't have her seeing you." I whispered weakly from how desperate I was for him. "Here I come." I yelled when she screamed my name again. The aggravation layered in her voice was evident. I turned back to him giving a pleading look.

     "Honestly I don't want you here. I don't want you near her. She doesn't give a fuck about you. Because if she did, I wouldn't have to stop myself from killing that bitch ass sperm donor of yours. I wouldn't have to witness these bruises and marks on your perfect and beautiful body. I wouldn't have to spend the fucking night because I'm too scared of leaving you here alone with these fucking cowards. But go and hurry back before I snap." He grunted out in that deep lustful voice and he then rolled over, releasing me from my cage.

      "You already snapped and don't lie again about my looks." I muttered as I put on my black housecoat. He sat up and looked at me raising his eyebrows. So I headed towards my mother's room before he could respond. I stepped in her doorway and I began to access the damaged he had done to her. Her plump lips had a scab from where he busted it open at. She wore red shorts and a white tank top. I could see so many bruise over her body. They decorated her body limb by limb. Her right eye was swollen shut. Her beautiful cooper skin ruin by that bastard once again 

Coldness spread throughout my body and I couldn't help but shiver at this horrific sight of my mother being someone's punching bag. I couldn't talk since I probably looked the same. Yet the difference is that I despise the fuckers guts. But my once vibrant happy strong independent mom loves the coward. She will never leave and I eventually will and that breaks my heart.

     "Yes," I said. She looks at me. Her muddy brown eyes looked so empty. She seems so lifeless.

      " I am leaving soon. I need to find your father. I dont want him doing anything that will cause him to go to jail. You know how he gets when he is mad and drinks."

"I know. But you shouldn't look for him. He should be locked up somewhere."

"Don't fucking say that. He is your father."

"My father wouldn't do nothing like this to us. He wouldn't hurt us. Mom I'm tired. This isn't healthy or safe."

" You're such a fucking ungrateful child."

"You're such a fucking blind and naive woman." I spat back. And her eyes widen with shock. I never speak to my mother like that. I love her so much that no matter what she does or say, I give her that respect but I can only take so much. She began to stalk towards me. I'm taller than my mom by an inch or 2 and she isn't as plump as me. But people shouldn't underestimate her strength.

She pushed me up against the wall hard gripping me by neck and staring at me with eyes full of hatred. I held back from doing anything I might regret. I will never lay a hand on my mom. And she knows that. I will never be like him

     "I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to little girl, but don't make me hurt you." She yelled and then pushed off of me. "I am leaving to find my husband. I will be back Monday or Tuesday. You can take care of yourself since you think you are grown. I have some money put up for you just for emergencies like food or whatever. I shouldn't even be that nice. Don't do nothing you not suppose to, bye." She grabbed he suitcase and pushed pass me.

It's crazy how she can be so dominating and strong with me. It's crazy how she can put me in my place when it comes to her respect and what she will and won't allow. But she let a man destroy her. She let a man run and control her. She lets a fucking man change her from the fearless and loving mother I once knew. She let a man be more of a priority than me and all I can do is take it. All I can do is be a witness of the destruction of a woman I once saw as my hero.

Mini G (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now