Chapter 24

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Tray POV

"You finally decided to come see me."

I looked up and met grey eyes boring into my core. I shook my head in disappointment. " It's been two days."

Suddenly his fist banged onto the table we were sitting at in his apartment. I gave him a warning look. I didn't want things to escalate. Tivon pointed his finger at me.

"You know how much can happen in two fucking days. Or were you too wrapped up in getting your next nut that it didn't cross your mind how much time you were wasting." He spat at me. I could feel the rage rolling off of him in waves. His anger tends to always feed into my hole of harbored rage. In an attempt to calm myself, I had to ignore that intense energy he was flaring my direction. Breathing in slow as I forced my body to relax from its rigid state.

I did waste time. On borrowed time trying to just process things. Clear thoughts weren't something that graced me very often these days.

"We need to focus on now and what we plan on doing." I said attempting to redirect him.

"Oh, you are concerned now?" he said a bit more calmly.

"Can we just focus?" I pleaded. He gave me a long look. It seemed as though he was searching for something. At last, he sighed and sat back in his chair, visibly relaxing himself.

"You think your dad will let you in on what's going on with Jared?" He questioned.

"I doubt. He's been standing his ground on me not getting involved in any more cases. Especially in this case in particular. I stood up peering down at him. "That doesn't mean we aren't going to try and get as much information as possible. Let's go."


I waited in my father's office as Tivon sat in the car. Any bit of information I can get out of this man will be helpful. My dad is a very stubborn man though and it is very possible that I will get little information if any. Peering around the room, it was obvious he has been stressing lately.

My father's normally organized, neat office seemed as though a tornado had sped through and tore the room piece to piece. He is barely at home as it is, but since opening this case his presence at home has become nonexistent. Looking at his desk I peeped the wedding picture of him and my mother. Frowning I decided to pick it up. I haven't seen these two grinned at one another like this in a very long time.

Suddenly the sound of the door being thrown open caught my attention, ripping me from my inner thoughts. I jumped startled as my father stormed into the office seeming pissed off. I placed the framed photo back into its spot.

"Why are you here son?" He grunted with agitation layering his words. Appearing frustrated, I didn't really want to add to that. Yet, that was inevitable. I needed answers.

"I heard you guys were able to bring Jared in." I said raising my eyes up to meet his own. He gave me a hard and icy stare. Warning me silently not to continue pushing at this issue any further.

"I want to know if you were able to get any information out of him." I said completely ignoring his warnings.

"I don't like repeating myself. But I will just this once so you can get this through your tough skull. You are off the case. I don't want to see your face around here. Stop coming here. Stop asking questions. And cut off any attachment you have with that girl. She means you and does you no good at this point. You hear me, boy?" It shocked me how coldly he demanded this from me. He seemed to care little for how attached I am to this whole case, how emotionally attached I am to Goddess. Suddenly that shock melted away and manifested into raging hot anger.

"How the fuck am I supposed to just up and forget, detach from a person I've known and built a bond with. A friend. She could possibly be dead or even worse being tortured and abused right now. And you expect me not to give a fuck. what is wrong with you?" I spat at him with disgust and deep disturbance.

Suddenly my dad burst up like lightening out of his seat. Marching around his desk until he stood directly in front of me. Leering above me, I could feel and visibly see him fuming with rage.

"You be careful how you shape your lips to speak to me, boy. Obviously, you aren't willing to think logically right now, don't tempt me to knock some logic into you. Your safety is more important to me than anything and anyone. Go. Home."

I stared back at him with my heart feeling with rage and resentment. I stood leveling our eyes. "Fuck. You." I turned and walked out his office slamming the door behind me as I left the station and returned back to the car.

"You weren't able to get anything out of him were you." Tivon more like stated to me than questioned. I slammed my fist into the steering wheel still pumping from adrenaline and anger.

"Well while you were gone I did some searching myself and I think I may know somebody who can tell us something. It's not a guarantee though. He's definitely a sneaky snake." I looked him in the eyes. All I saw was determination. He was willing to risk anything to get Goddess back.

"You think talking to this person will be a risk worth betting on." I asked testing his honesty. Relaxing back into his seat, his grey eyes peered to the station in front of us.

"I'm willing to bet on this person liking us just a bit more than they do Calvin. An enemy of my enemy is a friend." His words matched the determination in eyes. I would never admit this to him, but I hold respect for him.

"I'm down to test that theory with you then." I cranked up the car and began to head in the direction of this person. Hopefully I can get some information that can lead me closer to getting her back. I want her back. I need her back.

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