Chapter 14

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Goddess POV

To say I was frighten was an understatement. But living with a father like mine meant that fear was forever rooted in my presence. Yet after a couple of years, I used that fear as motivation to get my shit together allowing me to be stronger and smarter instead of fleeing and hiding like a coward.

I flew into action making my way to my room going to obtain the money I stashed away. Bending down, I reached under my bed to a bag filling it with few cloths and necessities. Then I found myself in the kitchen retrieving my gun and snatching up my keys from the counter.

My gut told me whoever that was at the door wasn't anyone who wanted to sit down and have a friendly conversation. Tivon did say that people will be coming for me.

I crept back into the living room to see both of the boys with a look of confusion and a hint of amusement on their faces. I sighed. My reaction do seem over the top in their eyes.

Although I always imagined that one day my mother would leave my sperm donor, but I knew he wouldn't allow it. So I mentally, physically, and financially prepared myself for that day. Yet it seem more like a distant dream. My mother would never leave him. So I guess my preparation did pay off in some way. Yet instead of running away from him, I was running towards him and the thought was sickening.

Tray rose immediately and went to the kitchen. Leaving me and Tivon eying the door wearily. I glanced at him when he started to retreat to the back of house. Weary blossomed in me and I tried to remain calm. Tray came back with an enormous knife and Tivon with a gun.

I was relieved yet worried at the same time. I was glad that we all were armed. Luckily granted with two guns. Although, it worried me that I lacked knowledge that Tivon had possession of a gun. Tivon and Tray's interactions could have went sour real fast. I do commend Tivon for thinking rashly and not pulling that gun out on Tray on their first encounter.

I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards my door, mentally preparing myself for what's about to go down. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. While I'm occupied with that, Tray stood on the left of the door while Tivon is on the right.

Suddenly there was a loud thud and we all jumped. Shit! The fucker was trying to break down my door? Then I heard a low voice chastising his partner in crime. It seemed they were going with a more less obvious break in. So I decide to stand next to Tray since he had no gun. Then the door knob twisted and two men walked in slowly. Tivon snatched the one on the right up holding him at gun point. Tray kick the man on the left in the privates and I held him at gun point.

You could see the surprise on both the idiots faces. I thought that someone who was over my abuser and Tivon would be wiser on who they chose to send after me. I guess I was lucky.

"You kids are cute." The man on the right said. I looked at him. No doubt he was scary looking. The scar over his left eye added to his sense of danger. Yet, the fact that I had this man on his knees at gunpoint made my fear plummet below ground.

"Shut up." I said sternly.

"Little momma your too pretty to be so violent. I tell ya what, if you let us go then we won't hurt you. I mean unless your into that. I could make the pain feel good if ya let me." The other guy said biting his overly large dry lips. I looked at him.

He words made me gag. Seriously, the dude looked old as dirt. And I'm pretty sure he knew my age, but that's an old perverted asshole for you.

"No thanks." I replied with disgust laced in my voice.

"Baby you know you wa-

He was suddenly kicked in his stomach by Tivon.

"I didn't know you were a rapist, too. But I swear to God Goddess will be the last person on Earth, heaven and hell that you fucking touch." Tivon said with so much passion and venom that I was actually scared for the sick bastard.

I was kind of surprised Tray wasn't reacting like an obsessive sexually driven psycho he normally is.

This isn't the right time to be pondering Tray actions.

"It's time for us to go. So let's take care of them. " I said to the boys. Tray raised his eyebrows.

I shot both men in their legs. I didn't want to make it too easy for them to come after us. Both of the men laid on the wooden floor soon to be covered in a pool of blood.

"Let's go. " I urged them both as I made my way to the back door. We jumped inside my black 2016 Rubicon Hard Rock. (basically a big black Jeep)

Tivon sat in the passenger seat. And Tray settled in the backseat. I looked back so I could get out of the driveway.

"Tray do you want to run up and get a few things real quick? And you could tell your mom that you might be out for awhile. Your going to have to be quick." I said. He looked up from his phone.

"No. I'll find a way of getting cloths."
He replied lowering he brown eyes back to his phone. He seemed distant. I shook it off. I turned to face those big grey eyes already staring at me.

"I'll be quick. Just let me grab some money and a few cloths. " he said. I nodded. When we arrived at his apartment, he ran up. I frowned.

Tivon has always been on his on. Both of his parents were murdered when he was only 10 and he lived with his Uncle Rick until he hit 15 and that's when he started selling drugs. I discovered that my dad and his uncle were close friends. That explains how my dad was able to convince Tivon to get into those things. This allowed him to have enough money to take care of himself. So his uncle got another place and kept his name on the lease since Tivon wasn't really old enough to have his own apartment. Although, his uncle was barely around, when he did come around he use to give me bad vibes. Also those perverted eyes that follows my every moved didn't help.

That's another reason why I want to give him another chance. His past didn't excuse his behavior but when you witness the death of your parents. When you have the wrong people influencing you on the daily basis. When you have a person who is suppose to be your care taker and they aren't even correcting your wrongs and leading you down the wrong path. When you have no good male role model around. It's really hard to think that what your doing is anything but right. So the fact that he is trying to better himself after all of that is crazy but amazing.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head. I tried calling my mom. I was getting a bit worried. She hasn't picked up any of my phone calls or replied to any of my text messages. I was suddenly brought out of my small inner panic attack by the shutting of my car door. Looking over, I see Tivon with a red duffle bag.

"Ok where are we going now?" He questioned as I started up the Jeep.

"My mom isn't picking up the phone. I'm getting worried. Maybe I'm over reacting, but I get the feeling that something isn't right. We are just going to head towards where my mom assumed my dad was at. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid." I said.

Suddenly, I felt a hand squeezing my thigh for comfort making me jump out my skin.

"It's going to be ok. Just know I got your back, yeah? " Tivon said reassuring me. I gave him a small smile.

Yet, on the inside I was scared of the unknown. I just hope my mother will be well.

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