Chapter 17

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Tray POV

The room was beyond fucked up and the sight was making me uneasy. I knew that whatever we found wasn't going to be pretty. Things just get worse by the day

"Mom." I heard mini g whimper. Tivon and I dashed over to where she was and I damn near hurled at the sight. Her mother laid in a pool of blood on the floor. The blood seems to be coming from her head. Her face was decorated with bruises. Her cloths were torn. I didn't know if she was alive or dead.

"Grab Goddess. " Tivon said urgently as he made his way over to Rose checking for a pulse. I pulled Goddess into my chest as her cries grew louder and uncontrollable. My heart seemed to break a little as mini g began to fall apart in my arms.

"She's still alive, but barely." Tivon said and he picked up her body with a grunt while rushing her to the car and I followed suit picking mini g bridal style. We then rushed to the hospital.

Rose had three broken ribs, a broken leg, a broken nose and fractured skull. She lost a lot of blood. Obviously she was put throw hell. But she was a surviver like her daughter. I just pray she doesn't have to experience the pain of the death of a parent.

"No one else could have done this but my dad. Why couldn't she just stay home? Why couldn't she just see he was no good? Why! " mini g cried out with so much pain and agony. Just to see one of the strongest people I know crumble before me was unbearable. I had her positioned in my lap in the waiting room stroking her red curls. She calmed down a bit, not much though. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down to see that my dad had texted me. He was coming up to discuss some things. Quickly I remove mini g from my lap. She stared up at me with confusion and worry.

"Don't worry I be back. Im going to the rest room." I said tryin to soothe her. I saw her visibly relax. I looked over to Tivon.

"I'll be back. Keep an eye on her." Then I began walking away.

Goddess POV

I watched as Tray disappeared from my sight. Trying to think happy thoughts was pointless. I was void of any joy. Yet, I was filled with so much rage and agony. I felt disgusted in my own skin. I felt ashamed. How could I ever be proud to say such a thing, a monster created me? His blood courses through my veins at this very moment. Never have I ever thought that I could despise myself so much. But I hate myself for being conceived by a heartless cruel bastard. I hate my father and myself with such a passion that I could feel more heated tears flow down my cheek.

Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled into a hard chest. Automatically I tensed up. Soon I began to relax into Tivon's warm embrace sheltering me from the icy waiting room air. His fingers played in my curls. I sighed.

"Goddess I love you. I won't lie and be like everything will be fine. Nor will I start spitting bullshit lines from the bible, because I know that no matter what anyone says, it can never reduce nor shrink the misery you'll endure. I know from personal experience. We can only hope for the best. Yet, sometimes life deals us a shitty hand but just know you got me." He whispered in my ear. My heart swelled with appreciation for his presence. Hearing him say those words made me let out another cry but only this time for the both of us. He had no parents. He had no one but himself since he was just a little one. Yet, he sat here holding me, while I ruined his shirt with my tears. He gave me a bit of courage and strength. Soon I couldn't cry anymore. I refused to cry anymore. So I stood up.

"Where are you going?" He questioned, concern written all over his face.

"Just going to clean up. Im too pretty to be crying you know." I said with a weak smile. The smile he threw back my way was full of glee. He stood and gave me the most tightest hugs I've ever received leaving me breathless. He planted a quick kiss on my temple and told me to hurry back. Once I finished cleaning up I heard my stomach growled. So I went on the search for a snack machine deciding to grab something for the boys as well. I turned a corner to see Tray talking to a man. Their backs were to me. I didn't want to interrupt yet I couldn't help, but eavesdrop. I know it's a horrible habit to have.

"If we can catch her dad alive then we could have him testify against Calvin." The stranger said in a gruff voice.

"That's if we can get to him first. Every smart drug Lord knows to kill off any source of threats." Tray replied.

"I have my men searching for him. He will be put away regardless after you told me about the hotel incident." The stranger suddenly turned around heading my way with Tray following. I quickly moved from out their sight.

"I'm sorry I lost him. I just didn't want to stray from Goddess and Tivon showed up. I really didn't expect him to go that far with Rose though." I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"It's fine son. You have done enough already. Plus, Rose would have never filed charges. Yet, this situation could be considered attempted murder or murder if she doesn't live." The stranger reassured. Well that's true, my mom would have never pressed charges.....Wait did he say son? I thought Tray dad was dead. Well maybe that just a pet name? A weird pet name.

"I know I feel bad. "Tray and the stranger turned the corned not even noticing me. I just decided to follow them from a safe distance.

"Don't be. You'll be one hell of a cop. Just like your old man." He said with pride as he stopped at the the elevator turning to face Tray with a big smile.

This position gave me the opportunity to examine his face. Looking closely I could see that this stranger weirdly resembled Tray a lot. They could have gotten away with being twins if it wasn't for the fact the stranger had a few strands of silver coating his hair. Then it hit me, that was Tray dad. There was no other explanation for this.

"No. I will be better. " Tray retorted like the cocky person he is.

"Whatever keep up the good work on this family. Soon you can move onto the next assignment. See ya son." I ran off.

What the fuck? His dad was alive and was obviously a cop. And Tray was obviously working with him. Evidently, I was just an assignment. I was the dum ass who trusted him. I was the dum ass that let him in. I understand it's his job. But to lie to me, to pretend to like me and do all those things to me, to fake like he cared was unnecessary, it was dirty, and it was cruel.

Soon I found myself back to Tivon with a fresh batch of tears ready to ruin his shirt even more. I was stupid and gullible and so annoyed with myself.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Tivon questioned in a panic. I refused to answer. Soon I heard footsteps.

"Mini g are you okay?" Hearing his voice was more than I could take. My impulsive behavior couldn't be restrained anymore. I whipped around slapped him so hard that my hand ached but I didn't care. Words began to fly out my mouth without thinking.

"Fuck you! You act like you care. But I know I was just a little pawn to you and your dad that seems to be alive. You lied about everything. You used me. You didn't have to lie. And to think I actually loved...... " my voice began to crack on the end. ". You were my best friend Tray. I was so open and vulnerable with you. Well after this all is done at least I won't have to see your face anymore. You can just move onto your next assignment." I spat at him with so much anger.

I turned back and wrapped my arms around Tivon. I began to ruin his shirt even further. I never felt so broken. I never felt so betrayed. I never felt so alone.

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