Chapter 11

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Erm, this chapter may be long, i'm sorry lol. Forgive me! I'm gonna skip a little, just a little only because I don't want the chapter to drag you know? But as promised here is your update :3 Anyways, vote, comment, share etc.

Thanks :)


"It wasn't like I was going to keep it from you Alex. You didn't tell me that I basically died." I replied to him. "Because it wasn't that big of a deal." He shrugged.


"Alex...Meet us in the library when you're ready." Christa said. They all walked to the library leaving me and my amazing godparent alone.

"So...My death wasn't that big of a deal?" I asked. "I didn't mean it in that way...It's not that big of a deal now. You're still here and that's all that matters." He replied. "Now let's-"

"Alex, I don't care what you say that's pretty fucked up-"


"That's pretty fucked up." I said. "I said language." He frowned. "Well you aren't my parent so I don't have to listen to you." I crossed my arms.

"I'm probably the only closest thing that you will ever have to a damn parent. Be glad that I even took you in." He snapped. "I-"

"You shouldn't be talking. I try my best with you. You know that don't you? I really do and all you do is be difficult and it stresses me out."

"What doesn't stress you out? You're always grumpy and it's very hard to hang around someone who doesn't even know how to smile."

"Because I've been through way worse than you have and all you've ever had to weep about is losing your parents and brother when I've lost my family, friends and children!" He shouted.

The room became very silent and I could feel the anger in the room coming from Alexander.

"You had ki-"

"It's none of your business alright?..We will discuss what to do about Michael since the counsel is here and afterwards you will leave and don't come back until tomorrow and if you attitude still hasn't disappeared then leave." He told me.

"Listen, Alex...I understand that-"

"No you don't. No matter how old you are, you are still a child and your immature and I despise immaturity. Understand that? Now, let's go. You've already caused a scene and now we look bad to the counsel. They probably heard us yelling." He sighed.

I nodded slowly.

This is my first time I've ever ticked him off...This is also the first time I've ever heard him mention a child of his own...Or children.

I had no idea they had kids. I always thought it was just Alexander and Christa but hearing that they had kids is sad and keeps me curious.

What happened to them?

Did they face the death that all the other witches and wizards did back then or was it how my family was taken out?

Burned and still to this very day the killer hasn't been found and somewhere in my head I know that I won't ever find the man or woman who did it to my family or anyone else's.

I can't say that question hasn't popped up in my head before. If the murderer was still out there or not and I wanted to lie to myself and tell myself that they are long gone and that they're probably buried somewhere.

Deep in the ground in a shiny useless box for the dead. That he or she is under the grass right about now and theres nothing left but bones and dust.

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