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~1 week later~

Spencer's P.O.V.

We are tidying mine and Alex's room so that it's ready for her to come home The doctor had called early this morning to say that she was ready. The girls came over as soon as they heard so that we could decorate her room, my parents had gone to the hospital to help pack Alex's things.
"Where should we put it?" Aria asks gesturing to the large poster we had made.
"Maybe that wall?" I pointed to the wall that was directly oposite the door so it would be the first thing she saw when she walked in.
"That seems good" Hanna agreed Em and Ali nodding their heads.

~1 hour later~

Aria's P.O.V.

We just finished when we heard the door open.
"That's probably her," Hanna said
"Probably, I'll check." I said
I ran out to the top of the stairs and saw Alex coming in with her parents. I ran back to the girls to tell them.

Alex's P.O.V.
I'm going up to my room to get changed and look for Spencer. I walk in and all the girls are there sitting on Spencer's bed talking as if there isn't a huge poster on the wall saying "WELCOME HOME" they turn around when I walk in and shout it as well. I laugh and go over and hug them.
"How are you Alex?" Aria asks me
"Fine." I reply not really wanting to talk about how I'm feeling because that's all anyone has asked me for the past two weeks.

The girls leave while I get changed out of my old grey tracksuit bottoms and pyjama top into my black denim jeans and my white long sleeve blouse I follow them downstairs into the kitchen where they are sitting at the table talking about something Caleb and Toby did last week.
"Hey, Spence do you think mom and dad will let me go to school tomorrow?" I'm not sure why I'm asking because I know what she'll say.
She looks at the girls and back at me and says "maybe we should talk about it later."
"Yeah, sure"

Emily's P.O.V.

I could see something going on between them but I couldn't tell what it was. They had been acting strange since Alex went into the hospital like they had some big secret.

Hanna's P.O.V.

"So what exactly happened?"
"What do you mean?" I know Alex hates everyone asking her how she is and all that but she never actually told us exactly how it happened.
"Like did you trip or what?"
"I felt a little dizzy so I was going downstairs to get some water and I was about half way down when everything went black." She explained.
"Oh, wow"

Spencer's P.O.V.

Suddenly dad burst through the door he seemed really angry Alex gripped my arm really tight.
"Alex, Spencer it's time for your friends to go"he said
"Actually we were going to go to the brew now"I told him
"No you are to stay here"
"W-Why?" Alex asked
"Because I said so, come into my office when your friends are gone"
Dad went into his office to wait for her and the girls left.

Aria's P.O.V.

We left Alex and Spencer's and went to The Brew for a while
"What was going on there?" Em asked referring to Peter slamming the door angrily.
"I have no idea," I replied "I think it's best if we stay out of it though. It's probably nothing."
"Yeah your probably right." Em said.

Emily's P.O.V.

Despite what Aria said I couldn't help but think something was something else going. This wasn't the first time Alex had 'fallen down the stairs' and ended up in hospital...

Beca's P.O.V.

I'm closing the front door behind me when I hear a bang and a scream. I run into the kitchen and see Spencer sitting at the table looking worried.
"What's going on? Where's Alex?"
"With Dad"
We here another thud. And run to Dad's study. The door is locked.
"Dad?" Spence calls.
She looks at me for something to say.
"What just happened?" I say
"Nothing, what do you want because I'm busy."
"Is Alex still in there with you?"
"Yes" he's getting impatient "why?"
"Because I need her help" I say.
"Can you wait ten minutes?" He's getting angry and I know he won't take no for an answer.
"Ok" I sigh
Spence and I walk back into the kitchen to wait for Alex.

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