You Can Do This

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Alex's POV

The girls and I are walking down to the station and as we get closer my knees begin to feel weak and my head is throbbing. I start thinking that maybe this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have come. I turn around but Aria catches me and pulls me back.
"Alex, it's going to be okay, just go in there and explain everything that has happened over the past few years."
"B-but what if they don't believe me," I say the thing that's been haunting me since I agreed to tell them-the thing that's kept me from saying anything over all these years.
"Hey, that's not going to happen and if it does we will do everything we can to prove that it's real. Okay?" I nod unsure of what I should say.


Spencer's POV

I walk up to the desk holding Alex's hand feeling her trembling with fear. I can't even imagine what thoughts could be racing through her mind right now or how she's feeling. I have tried so many times in the past to put myself in her shoes, to try to understand what she's going through, but, no matter how hard I try nothing I could ever dream about even in my worst nightmares could ever be as bad as what happens behind the closed doors. Although Alex and I are probably the closest sisters in the world I know she doesn't tell me everything that happens. I get that, but I do get a pretty good idea from hearing her deafening screams throughout the night and the smell of burning flesh seeping through my bedroom walls as I lay wide awake in bed feeling helpless and guilty trying to think of any possible way I could try save her without making our father even more enraged.
As I was walking up I could feel Alex tugging on my sleeve holding me back from going up to the desk. I stopped in my tracks spinning around to face her,
"Alex, listen to me it's going to be alright, okay?" she nods and reluctantly staggers up to the desk, I follow her catching her as she stumbles over her own feet. We get to the desk and the police man looks up, he has a crabby look on his face as if anything could annoy him. I look at Alex and she hesitates before stating "I uh I n-need to f-file a r-report." The officer looks away while he pulls out a form.
"Ok what's your name?" he asks her
"Uh A-Alex H-Hastings,"
"And what's this regarding?" she looks over to me and I nod to tell her it's okay
"A-a-abusing a m-minor," he looks up when she says this, for the first time noticing the bruises that are covering her face.
"Okay, I will have to get another officer," he stands up and walks off a few seconds later Lieutenant Tanner comes out.
"Ahh if it isn't the Hastings' twins, you're the girl who's filing a report about abusing minors?" she says the disbelief flooding through her voice. When Alex doesn't say anything I step in for her.
"Yes, yes she is is there a problem with her wanting to be safe?"

Alex's POV

"No none," Tanner says gesturing for us to go with her to one of the interrogation rooms. Spencer and I sit down beside each other on one side of the table while Tanner sits opposite us. "Now," she looks me in the eye "Tell me everything about this report you're filing on child abuse," she sees my confusion and continues "who did it, how long?"
"Uh I-it's my d-dad, it started years ago," Tanner looks at me making it clear she doesn't believe me. I start to think it was a mistake coming in here but Spencer clutches my hand assuring me that everything will be okay.
"Why is that so hard to believe?" Spencer questions
"Well I find it hard believe that it's been happening for years and you're only saying something now."
"I was scared," I feel tears brimming in my eyes and before I can stop them they are spilling down my face washing over the cuts I had carefully covered with makeup, stinging so bad I have to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. I start to feel really hot and sweaty everything becomes foggy and the noises around me blur into one. I can just about make out Spencer calling my name.
"Alex? Alex answer me say something please!" I look up at Spencer warily trying to make out the outline of her pale face and as everything slowly comes back into focus I see her chestnut hair damp with tears and I spot her dark brown eyes hidden under the long strands of her hair.
"S-Spence, I c-can't do this," She looks up and an unfamiliar look washes over her face a look that's mixed with both relief and worry.
"Alex, listen to me, if you go through with this he's not going to hurt you anymore okay? B-but if you don't then who knows what will happen."
"Excuse me, miss? Are you filing a report or not?" Tanner looked at me an impatient look on her face
"Y-yes I am."
"Okay then I need you to give me your father's name, around the time it started,"
"H-his name i-is Peter Hastings a-and it started around the time we were seven," I feel my bottom lip trembling and I try my hardest to hold back the tears
"Okay that's all for now," Tanner says walking out the large metal door of the interrogation room.
Spencer pulls me to my feet and we go outside to where the girls are waiting under a tree with the chilling breeze blowing my already messy hair into my face.
Aria stands up to face me,
"How did it go?"
"Um alright I think,"
"That's good isn't it?"
"Yeah it's great."

A/N I'm really sorry I haven't posted in ages but I've been really busy hope you like this chapter

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