Maybe It's For The Best...

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Tyler's POV

I walk into my apartment and see Alex lying on the couch she has yet another bruise on her face. I close the door carefully trying not to wake her up but it's no use she's a really light sleeper and anything can wake her up.
"Hey, Ty," she says sleepily.
"Hey," I walk over and sit beside her as she does her best to hide the bruises. "What happened?"
"Nothing..i-it's nothing," she looks away from me
"Alex..come on," I say getting slightly angry, this keeps happening and she won't tell me what it is.
"I told you it's nothing," I'm getting more and more angry the more she denies it.
"Alex seriously I can't keep doing this," she looks back at me confused
"W-what do you mean?"
"You keep getting hurt and you won't tell me anything about what happened," I see her confusion change to frustration.
"That's because I can't Tyler, don't you get that? I can't!" she starts to cry and I can't help getting more annoyed
"Why Alex? why can't you tell me I thought we could tell each other anything, No?"
"Please Tyler don't do this,"
"Then tell me what's going on!"
"I can't!"
"WHY!" I suddenly shout and she jumps cowering into the corner of the room. I lower my voice and go over to her "Alex look I'm sorry for shouting but I can't keep acting like there isn't something going on," she looks up at me her eyes filled with fear. "I-I think it would be best if-if we broke up." she stands up and looks at me
"W-what?" I can see that she's holding back tears and I just nod sending her sprinting out the door.

Alex's POV

I'm running I don't really know where I just had to get away. Thoughts were running wild in my mind. Did Tyler really just break up with me? What am I going to do? Should I tell the girls? What would they say? What will dad say? Should I even tell him? Stop! I thought as I sat down on a bench. I looked at my watch, 10:23pm. Great. I need to find Spence she'll know what to do. But she's probably at home. I decide the sooner I get home the better.

~17 minutes later~

I walk inside to find my dad sitting on the couch and he stands up and comes towards me towering over me.
"Where have you been? Do you know what time it is young lady?" he hollers
"I-I'm sorry," I try to get past him but he grabs my wrist and holds me back.
"Where do you think you're going?!"
I walk backwards until I'm against the wall with no where else to go except sideways. He puts his hands either side of me trapping me.

~1 hour later~

Spencer's POV

I walk in to mine and Alex's room and see her lying on her bed crying.

A/N ignore the A message.
She sees me and tries to brush the tears away.
"Alex, what's wrong?" I walk over and sit beside her.
"T-Tyler..." is all she says and I'm confused.
"What do mean?" I say lifting her head onto my lap and stroking her hair.
"He-he broke up with me.." she cries
"Oh Alex.." she sits up and looks at me and I hug her small body carefully, so I don't hurt her and for the first time in years she doesn't flinch or pull away.
"What am I going to do Spence?"
" don't need to think about that now. It's all going to be ok. Just try and get some sleep it's very late and you haven't had much sleep lately..." I continue stroking her hair until I feel her fall asleep.

I wake up on Alex's bed but she's no where to be seen.
"Alex?" I call worrying about what could have happened, but she comes back into the room with two coffees in her hands and I smile.
"I'm here what's up," she seems happier than last night and I wonder what happened but decide not to ask just in case.
"Nothing I was just wondering where you were," then I realise I have school and check the clock beside her bed. "Sh*t!"
"Calm down Spence that's the wrong time," she laughs and I shake my head jumping out of bed.
"Okay, let's get ready,"

Aria's POV

I walk over to the table in the cafeteria where Alex, Spencer, Em and Hanna are sitting.
"Hey guys, what's up?" Alex seems upset so I go sit next to her. "Alex you okay?" she looks up at me and I see the same lost look in her eyes that she had when she found out her dog, Speckles, had died "Alex, what happened?"
"It's Tyler, H-he.."
"He what?" I look at the others worried something happened to him but they shrug to say they don't know
"He broke with me,"
"Oh my god, Alex," me, Em and Hanna all say simultaneously
"Are you ok?" I asked
"I don't really know to be honest," she says still looking at me with that lost look. The bell rings and we all get up to go to class.
"What class do you all have now?" Spence asks.
"English," Hanna says
"Oh same," I say
"Me too," Spence and Alex say together
"Same," Em says "Let's go,"

Hanna's POV

As we're walking to class I notice Alex limping a little and Spence notices too because she asks her "Alex, is your leg ok?"
"Uh..yeah it's fine why?" she tries to walk normally but it doesn't work it just makes it more obvious and by the look on her face more painful.
Spencer sighs and shakes her head as if to say she doesn't believe her.
We get to class and all sigh and walk in.

—————-~2 months later~-—————

Spencer's POV

"Spencer!" she runs into our bedroom excitedly and I look up
"Hey Alex! your happy how come?" she jumps on her bed and calms down a bit
"I have a date tonight!!"
"Oh my god really? with who?" I say flopping on my bed
"Y'know that guy that transferred here about a week ago?"
"Really? what's his name?" I ask shocked that Alex would ask anyone out especially the new guy.
"Michael or Mike I'm not sure,"
"Ross," she says
"Wait so you just went up to him? that doesn't really sound like you,"
"It's not like me at all he asked me out," she smiles and I laugh glad she's finally happy again "What should I wear?" she suddenly panics
"It's ok calm down I'll help you,"
"Thanks Spence," we get up and go try to find something for her to wear.

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