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Emily's P.O.V.

"What happened to you?" We all gasp simultaneously as Alex walks over to us.
"What?" Like she has no idea that there is big bruise on her face.
"Alex who did that to you?" I ask even though I already have an idea.
"It's nothing honestly guys, any way where is Spencer," she tries to change the subject, no way, I'm finding out what happened.
"Alex why won't you tell us?"
"Because you guys don't need to worry, but seriously where is Spencer?"
"I don't know I assumed she'd come with you."
"No she didn't she left early to meet Toby for breakfast before school."
Spencer is creeping up behind Alex as she is saying this
"Ahh jeez! Don't do that" she turns around and playfully hits Spencer with the book she's holding and Spence tries to hit her back but Alex has already run away laughing.
"So, what happened to Alex, Spence?"
"She didn't tell you?"
"No she said she didn't want us to worry."
"Well then I'm not telling you because like she said you guys don't need to worry. Anyway I'm gonna go find her make sure she's okay settling back in after..." with that she walks away.

Aria's P.O.V.

"What was that about?" I ask the girls
"I don't know Em weren't you saying something the other day about Alex always being hurt?"
"Well do you have any idea who it could be?"
"I do but I'm not sure how to bring it up without them getting annoyed or just brushing it off we need proof"
"Well who do you think it is?"
"I don't want to say until I'm 100% certain because then if it's not that person..."
"Come on, Em we won't tell anyone not even them" I look at Hanna who has been staring into space this entire time "right Han?"
"Hmm? Right"
"Ok well I think it's...their dad" Em says Hanna and I gasp shocked that she'd think that. But then again I could see where she's coming from, it always seemed like Alex was getting hurt at home.
"That makes sense," I say.
"It does?" Hanna asks
"Yeah, because she's always getting hurt at home" I explain
"Ohh right, yeah" Hanna replied
"But what can we do, if they won't tell us they definitely won't tell the cops."
"Yeah, I'm not sure what we can do"

Alex's P.O.V.

I walk off to my locker glad of an excuse to get away I don't need them asking anymore questions especially when I can't answer them.
"Hey, you okay?" Spencer runs after me
"Yeah I'm fine why?"
"Just 'cause the girls were asking who did that," she points to the cuts and bruises on my face and arms.
"Yeah I felt bad not telling them though,"
"I know,"
"Do you think we should?"
"I don't think it's a great idea but it's not the worst I mean it's up to you."
"Yeah I'll think about it. I have a feeling  they already have an idea who it is just the way they asked who did it."

~after school at the brew~

"Alex are you gonna tell us who did it?" Em asks
"Did what?" Even though I know exactly what she's talking about
"You know what."
"Yeah I do which is why I'm confused because I told you earlier that I wasn't going to tell you or anyone else okay?"
"Well does Spence know?"
"Y-No, no of course she doesn't know" I turn to Spence "do you?"
"No I don't why would I?"
"Well just because we thought you Teo told each other everything." Hanna joined.
"I thought we told each other everything" Em said as she got up and left making me feel even worse for not telling them.
"You know what I think I'm gonna go too" Aria said Hanna following her.

Hanna's P.O.V.

I felt bad for doing that to Alex 'cause I could tell she had wanted to tell us but couldn't. Even though I knew we needed her to tell us and this was the only way we could think of.

Melissa's P.O.V.

I walked in to Spencer and Alex's room and they were sitting on they're beds talking, Alex facing away from me and Spencer towards me. They stopped talking as soon as I walked in so all I heard was Alex saying "I want to tell them,"
"You want to tell who what?" I ask
Alex turns around and I can see the cuts and bruises on her face
"When?" I ask wondering whether it's from before or after the hospital.
"L-last night,"
"What why?"
"He was a-angry 'cause I didn't d-do something that he asked me to do just b-before I went in the hospital and then I couldn't do it in there so..."
"What was it?" Spencer asks
"I'm n-not really sure s-s-something for one of his cases,"

Alex's P.O.V.

Here it was again everyone asking me if I'm okay asking me what happened. I had decided that I was going to tell the girls what was going on and no one could stop me. I stood up and grabbed my jacket mom and dad were out and they wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning so I had a few hours. I texted the girls to meet me at the brew.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm t-telling the girls I can't k-keep lying to th-them I'm sorry Spence."
"Okay but I'm coming with you,"
"You c-can come j-just don't try and stop me from t-telling them."
"I won't I promise."

~At the Brew~

Alex's P.O.V.

When we get there the others are already there waiting for us.
"Hey girls I - we h-have something to t-tell you"
"Sit down" Hanna says moving over so there's space
I sit down then say probably the hardest thing I've ever had to say in my life

Spencer's P.O.V.

We sit and listen to what Alex is saying as she stutters over a few words, when she was growing up she was always stuttering she said her first word when she was almost two years old. Anyway Alex was saying "Th-the person that did this" she points at her bruises "is ... is" she takes a deep breath "my parents."
"What?! Alex why didn't you tell us?" The girls all gasp at the same time
"I was scared.. scared about what he would do if he found out I told anyone," she states
"And you're not worried anymore?" Aria asks confused
"Oh no I am petrified," she says "I just couldn't keep lying to you guys."
"So hold on, did you actually fall down the stairs a few weeks ago?" Hanna asks

Aria's P.O.V.

Alex looks at the ground before answering "No, no I didn't,"
"Alex, listen I know you don't want to but you have to tell the cops and I know you're scared but it's too dangerous not to."
"Aria I can't, you have no idea what he'd do and if they don't believe me it would be even worse because I would have to live with him and it would be this... times a hundred believe me I've thought about it about a million times and each time I come up with yet another reason why it's a bad idea."

Alex's P.O.V.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up to check the message. Great I think just when I thought things couldn't get any worse they just did I felt the colour drain from my face as I read it.
The message was from A it said: 'Do you want to tell your parents that you told them or should I? Kisses -A'

A/N: The video is supposed to be Alex and Spencer ^^^
I really hope you like this story the next chapter will mainly be flashbacks explaining the meaning of 1. The title 2. Why their dad hates Alex 3. Other random things

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