Accidents happen

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~one week later~

Aria's POV

It's been a week since Alex told us about what has been going on. The girls and I have tried to convince her to tell the cops or let us tell them but she won't let us. I can't help but think something else will happen if we don't do something soon.

Alex's P.O.V.

The report cards are out today and I'm dreading going home.

~1 hour later~

I'm about ready to go in when my phone rings, it's Aria so I answer it.
"Hey, Alex how are you?"
"Have you been home yet?"
"I'm right outside,"
"Okay I'll let you go, goodbye. But text me every half hour or more so I know you're ok and if I don't hear from you within an hour then I'm coming over okay Alex?"
"Okay thanks Ar."
"bye Alex."
"Bye" I hang up and take a deep breath and walk inside.
"Where have you been?!" My dad yells
"I got held up at school I'm sorry." I lie
"Well we were waiting for you to open the report cards."
"Oh thanks you didn't have to, anyway where is Spence?"
"We don't know we assumed she was with you!" They say
"Well she's not!" I reply
"Why not you should keep an eye on her she's your baby sister"
I'm in shock "Actually no I'm the younger one," I correct them-big mistake.
"Well then you should be staying with her at all times,"
I make a face and start to get so angry first they say that I should be keeping my eyes on her then they say that I should stay with her. Dad walks over to me and hits me-hard and I scream "what was that for?"
"For your attitude." He says, great he's already in a bad mood.
"Sorry," I say "will I call Spence?"
"Yes tell her to come home now!" He shouts.

I call Spencer and tell her to come home straight away.

~10 minutes later~

Spencer's POV

I run in the door to the sound of mom and dad shouting at someone, at first I thought it was each other but it couldn't be I run into the kitchen and they are shouting at Alex for some reason.
"Hey," I call trying to distract them "are we going to open the reports?" I say knowing Alex probably wants to get it over with as quick as possible.
"Yes we are sit down girls,"
"Alex what happened?" I whisper, she already has a new bruise on her face.
"Dad hit me," she whispers back as if it was normal to have your parents beating you up 24/7.
"Okay, first Spencer's," he smiles at me.
"Straight A's well done Spence we're so proud of you."
"And now Alex's," they don't look half as happy as they did opening mine and I feel bad for her.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??" They scream at her
I look at it and it is amazing I don't know what their problem is, she got mostly A's and one B. And although I don't mention it because I know it would make everything worse I know that even if we got the exact same results there would be some reason why Alex's isn't good enough.

Alex's POV

Dad starts coming over to me and I get out of my seat and walk backwards away from him. I end up backed against the wall with him towering over me. My lip starts to quiver and I am struggling to hold back tears because I know if I cry it will only be worse.

~4 hours later~

I'm lying on my bed taking slow, deep breaths when Spencer walks in.
"Hey Alex, how are you feeling?"
"Never been better," I say sarcastically "sorry"
"It's fine, anyway, do you need to go to the hospital?" she asks
"I'm not sure, I think I'll be alright though."
"Really? Because you've been breathing heavier than normal."
"Yeah that's just because it hurts a lot."
She looks at me and starts smiling "Alex if it hurts then you need to come to the hospital with me."
"Spence honestly I'm fine," I protest.
"Alex you're not fine if you can hardly breath."
"I can breath," I say taking a deep breath not giving in just yet.
"Alex, come on I can tell that you are in pain, I'm going to get Beca."
"No, Spence don't go." I plead.
"Well then tell me why you don't want to go to the hospital!"
"Because it will make it worse and then I have to make up some story about what happened, why can't I just tell them what actually happened."

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