Time To Tell

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Alex's POV

"Ok I'll see you in a while," I say as Em leaves the changing room. I'm the last one there after swim practice and then I hear the door open and someone walks in. Nothing happens for a while then I see him and my heart starts pounding.
"W-what are you doing in here this is the girls locker room," I say as Noel comes towards me, he keeps walking towards me and I walk backwards until I'm against the lockers with him towering over me "w-what do you want?" I whisper
"Tyler sent me, he wants you to know that he hates you he always has and he always will and the real reason he broke up with you is because he found someone else," I try to push past him before I start crying but he won't move. I try to hold back the tears but one slips down my cheek making him smile. I brush it away and try pushing him away again but he won't budge
"Move," I say but he doesn't
"Why?" he says and he slams his hands on the lockers either side of me and I start crying more and it just makes him smile and do it more then suddenly I see his fist coming towards my face and I scream "Oh..sorry did that hurt?" he says in a fake caring voice.
"Just let me go!" I push him hard and almost get past when he grabs my wrist and throws me back against the lockers. I hear the locker room door open and someone runs in
"You heard her! Let her go!" I hear Spence shout. He steps back and I feel my legs get weak and I collapse on the floor.

Aria's POV

"Alex!" we run over and lift her onto the bench and she sits up looking dazed and stressed.
"W-where is he?" She pants, out of breath
"He's gone, Alex, he's gone but we really need to tell principal Tamborelli," Spencer says
"Y-yeah you're right, just.."
"Just what? Alex what was he doing in here? What did he say to you?" Spencer asks
"He-he said...he said Tyler sent him and that he said to tell me that he hates me that he always has and he always will and th-that the r-real reason he broke up with me was because he found someone better," she cries and Spencer stands up furious.
"Alex.." I say pulling her into a hug.
"Come on, we're going to tell Hackett," Spence says helping Alex up.
"O-okay," Alex says leaning on me and Spencer for support.

Hanna's POV

I'm walking through the cafeteria and I see Spencer, Alex and Aria. Alex looks like she's been crying so I run over to see what happened.
"Alex? What's wrong?" She doesn't say anything so I look to Spence and Aria
"Noel beat her up,"
"What?!" I shout a little too loudly and Aria nods and tells me everything that Alex told her.


We get to Tamborelli office and after we've explained everything he tells us to take Alex to the nurses office and he will call to explain what happened and  take care of everything else regarding Noel and Tyler.


We bring Alex into the nurse and she tells us to take a seat.
"Okay, so are you Alexandra Hastings?" She asks.
"Y-yeah but p-please c-call me A-Alex," she starts stuttering again which means she's nervous.
"Okay, Alex, I'm going to need you to walk over here and back to see how badly you're hurt," Alex stands up unsteadily and tries to walk over to her but I can see how much it's hurting her. Her legs start to shake and she starts to stumble.
"Alex!" I say running over with Aria and Spencer to help her.
"Okay I'm going to call your parents because you need to go to a hospital," Alex looks at us and I try to think of something, anything that would stop her from calling her parents. Luckily Spencer thinks of something just in time.
"Oh..uh my parents are away on a business trip," she says
"Okay well who's at home?"
"What? No one,"
"Okay well we can't send her to a hospital without your parents."
"This is insane, I can bring her myself,"  Spencer says helping Alex up and leaving with Aria and I close behind them.

Spencer's POV

I run up to the receptionist leaving Alex sitting with Aria and Hanna.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes m-my sister has just been beaten up at school, she can hardly walk,"
"Okay where are your parents?"
"They're not here, why?" I say confused
"Because you are not old enough to be her guardian,"
"Well can't you just call one of my sisters?"
"Fine, what's the patient name?"
"Alexandra Hastings," and she looks her up on her computer and calls our sisters
"None of your sisters are answering would you like me to try your brother?"
"Yes please,"
Ten minutes later Jason arrived and I run over to him
"Jason thank you so much for coming,"
"It's fine Spencer, how is Alex?" He asks looking around for her and I lead him to the grumpy receptionist who then says that a doctor will be out in a minute.

Alex's POV

I wake up aching all over but not as much as I did before. I see all the wires and I can hear the machine monitoring my heart rate.
"Spencer?" I call but my voice is quieter than normal, Spencer comes running in with Mike.
"I'll be just outside if you need me Alex okay?" Spence says and I nod
"Mike, I'm so sorry," I start crying again
"No shh don't cry it's not your fault, okay?"
"But still I'm sorry I ruined our anniversary,"
"Shh stop listen to me, I don't ever want to hear you say you're sorry ever again, okay? The only thing I care about right now is you and making sure you get better,"
"Okay, umm can I uh go home now?" I say wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.
"I don't think so Alex," He tells me "But your going to be okay,"
"I-is he h-here?" I ask my heart pounding with fear.
"No, it's okay, he's not going to hurt you anymore," I was thinking if now would be a good time to tell him about my dad or if I should wait I decided that the sooner I tell him the less I'll have to lie to him.
"M-Mike? c-can I t-tell you s-something?"
"Of course anything," he says holding my hand
"Well uh do you r-remember a-about a week ago I um I had b-bruises on my
f-face and I t-told you that I j-just tripped? he looks at me worried
"Yeah? that wasn't Noel was it?"
"N-no i-it wasn't him i-it was.." I try to catch my breath
"Alex you need to calm down you're going hurt yourself,"
"Yeah okay," I say catching my breath
"Anyway, you were saying?" He says concerned
"I-it was m-my d-d-dad," tears slip down my face.
"Oh my god Alex!"

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