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Alex's P.O.V

We sat in the Brew and I explained when it started to get really bad.
"Do you remember when we were 10 years old and our report cards came out and I came in with cuts and bruises?" I ask
"Yeah you told us it was nothing,"
"Yeah well that was my parents."


The report cards are coming today and I'm dreading it. Mom and Dad are expecting straight A's and I don't even think I got one A. Spencer is the smart one not me and it's not that I don't try I do I try my best. But Mom and Dad think that if you try your best then you should get straight A's. We grew up with the saying 'B is for bad' and I have never forgotten it. Anyway Spencer and I are walking home from school with Aria and Hanna two of our best friends and we are talking about the reports. Aria and Hanna's parents don't mind what they get as long as they try their best. Mine and Spencer's parents however are completely different. The first time it wasn't too bad, they slapped me and got angry but that was it, the next time it got worse and it keeps getting worse, so you can understand why I hate report card day.

~20mins later the girls are at home~

"Hey girls, your report cards came today and we decided to wait until you got home to open them."
"You didn't have to" I say wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.
"Come sit down," mom says and we throw our bags on the sofa and go and sit at the island beside them.
"Okay first, Spencer," Dad says smiling at her.
"Straight A's well done Spence," great just great I think.
"And now Alex," Dad said smiling at me.
"WHAT IS THIS?" He yells disgusted with me. And I think it must be awful but when he passes it down to me I see that it's actually my best one yet, I got nothing below a C it's all A's and B's but still that is not good enough for them
"Alex come over here and explain why you didn't get straight A's like your sister." I don't get up because I don't have a reason, I just didn't. Dad tells Spencer to go upstairs and then him and mom comes over to me and he pulls me up and throws me on the floor and tells me to stand up so I do my mom gets the brand-new baseball bat that my dad got for his last birthday but never uses. She swung it against my legs and I fell to the ground then dad got an old chair and brought it out the old rotting barn in our backyard instructing me to follow him

A/N the barn has not been done up yet as that doesn't happen until they are 16 they are only 10 now

I followed him out to the barn where he put the chair in the middle of the empty room (it had been cleared out a while ago before a hurricane). Dad told me to sit in the chair and because there was no light it was dark so I couldn't see what was happening he told me to sit on the chair and then he walked out and locked the door behind him leaving me cold, hungry, and scared. He was back a few minutes later with a lamp, a bat and mom they started hitting me and cutting me until I couldn't feel it anymore I couldn't do anything except scream knowing that no one would hear me anyway.

He pulled a long needle out of his bag and stuck it into my arm sending a jolt of pain throughout my body.
After about twenty minutes of other injections and me screaming in pain, they stopped with the needles and got a carving knife and cut my arms and legs a lot. They left after that and locked the door leaving me all alone.

~the next day~

They came back the next morning and unlocked the door. I had been up all night because I was too scared and to cold to sleep. Then they told me to go upstairs and get ready for school. I ran as fast as I possibly could which wasn't very fast because my legs hurt.

Spencer's P.O.V.

I was getting worried when Alex wasn't in our room this morning and just as I was about to find Melissa and tell her Alex limped through the door covered in cuts and bruises.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I shout startling her.
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean?" Quieter this time "I mean who did that to you?"
"Oh I just tripped," she says but I can tell she's lying
"Yeah okay mmm who did that to you?" I try asking again.
"I told you-"
"Yeah I know what you told me, you tripped,"
"So what's your problem?"
"My problem is that I know you're lying Alex, you can talk to me about anything, anything at all"
She comes over and sits down beside me on my bed "Really?"
"Really," I assure her
"Okay," she begins to explain what happened last night

~20 minutes later~

Alex's P.O.V.

I finish telling Spencer the story and I'm crying which just hurts more because the tears sting the cuts on my face. Beca walks in and asks what's going on and when I look up at her she gasps and comes over to me.
"What happened Alex?"

Spencer's P.O.V.

When Alex doesn't say anything Beca looks to me but I don't feel that it's my place to tell. I mean if Alex wants to tell people she can but if not I'm not going to make her.
"Alex you can talk to me it's okay and if you don't want me to say anything I won't at least for now just please tell me who did this to you." Beca pleads.
Alex says 3 simple words "mom and dad"
"What?!" Beca is shocked they would ever do anything like that especially to Alex because she is the youngest, she is younger than me by exactly an hour and thirty-seven minutes.

Aria's P.O.V.

At school me, Hanna and Em are waiting for Spencer and Alex to arrive and they do seconds before the bell rings but Alex has cuts and bruises all over her.
"What happened to you?" Hanna asks
"Nothing," Alex states then walks off followed by Spencer.

~present day~

"Oh my god Alex that's awful!" Aria exclaims.
My phone beeps and I check it my heart turning to ice.
'Do you want to tell your parents that you told them or should I?
kisses -A'

A/N this chapter was just to show you that Alex's parents have been beating her since a very young age and still are. We can see that she doesn't like talking about it with anyone other than her sisters.

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