Chapter 3~

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Did you just hear him right? Moriarty? As in the no.1 consulting criminal Moriarty? You had only heard about him from the local papers and the odd mutterings from Sherlock. "Recognize me?" He smirked at you fire in his mesmerizing eyes. "Um..well..y-yeah." You stuttered. He chuckled again this time deeper than in the queue. "No need to fear me, love.." He paused. "As long as you don't tell your neighbours." His expression turned serious. How did he know that Sherlock was your neighbour? "I..i won't... I promise." You whispered weakly. "Smile sugarplum" he gripped your chin lifting it up till you were staring into his eyes. "See you around." He said leaving you in awe. You left the café as it began to rain. The cold droplets were running down as you face as you replayed the events of today. You soon reached your flat cuddling up to a fluffy blanket on your sofa. You pulled the hot mug of tea to your lips and sipped it in total silence. You couldn't get his face out of your head or his mellifluous accent. Ping! Your phone vibrated on the smooth mahogany table. You picked it up wondering who would be texting you at this time of night.
Well hello again love~JM
"What? That's not possible? How'd he manage to get my number?" You whispered out loud.
Hi. How did u get my number? You replied turning the TV on so it was a little less eerie in your flat.
I put took it from your phone earlier. Miss you x~JM
You were both flattered and confused at his comment. You were scared what might happen to you but something about him was so mysterious, so intriguing.
How about coffee tomorrow? Your heart fluttered as you pushed send. Why? You questioned yourself waiting for him to reply.
Sounds good to me.      Meet outside at 10 tomorrow. Night love~JM
You smiled at your phone as you once again replied to the no.1 consulting criminal.
Okay, good night to you too you replied placing your phone on charge and slowly drifting off to sleep.

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now