Chapter 36~

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"How comes you're only crawling back to us now huh? Sher-Sherlock said he faked his death over 3 weeks ago and Moriarty killed himself 2 years ago so why now?!" John said bitterly his fists clenched at his side. "John let her explain!" Mary glared at him then turned to face you her expression softening "please continue" she smiled. "John," you paused looking up at him "Sherlock," you looked at Sherlock his expression confused and saddened. "He isn't dead." Both Sherlock and johns heads snapped up at that. "The day Sherlock faked his death Ji—Moriarty faked his as well" you corrected yourself hoping they would believe that you hated him. "But how?!" They both chimed in, johns face angry and Sherlocks confused, Sherlock was never confused but here he was baffled as to how the Napoleon of crime faked his own death. "He planned and he planned it was difficult but he managed. I will explain that later. As to your question John i am only here now because of Moriarty. 2 years ago when we thought Sherlock was dead everything was fine. Jim had kind of settled into a life without crime. We would watch movies together and talk and fall asleep in front of an open fire," you paused wiping fresh silent tears out the way. "That was until we went to dinner. We were having a lovely time eating and talking until I saw Sherlock. We knew John and Mary were there but it wasn't until I saw Sherlock that Moriarty started acting... Weird. He dragged me out of the restaurant as to be unseen and when we got home all he would do is pace up and down mumbling to himself about you Sherlock," you turned to look at him the whole room was all ears now. " He began planning again and fell back into his usual pattern of crime which I presumed had never truly stopped and he just kept repeating your name, Sherlock. I felt he was getting distant from me and i tried to talk to him, i tried to get him to open up to me once again but he wouldn't. That was until last night. He had been in his study all day when i brought him his tea. I asked him if he was okay to which i got no reply. I then said "is this about Sherlock? He thinks you're dead Jim you can forget about him" and that's when he snapped. He began to scream at me saying how stupid I was to believe that he could forget about you Sherlock and how I was stupid to believe I was anything more than-than his toy. His little toy to play with and use to get to you Sherlock, "you began to sob once more trying to speak clearly again. "He punched me and slapped me till I was nothing more than a girl sobbing her eyes out on the cold floor" you knew they already pieced this together as it explained all the bruises on your face, you wiped your eyes again as Mary handed you some more tissues. "I came here because even after all this time i still trusted you two, you were right all along. At the pool i should've listened to you and went back home with you two but i was too caught up in his little game, to gullible to believe he actually loved me and i hope you can forgive me. I know I'm asking for a lot, but if you let me go he will find me. I ran away from him and no doubt he will kill me if he gets hold of me again. He will think i have told you all of his secrets and plans. So please, im-I'm begging you. Please forgive me for everything he convinced me to do" you began to sob once more as the boys sat in awe. "Please."

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now