Chapter 60~

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(authors note: I believe this will be the last chapter *sobs* But don't worry as I already have a plan for the sequel and it will be up in no time! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Pre-warning: it is quite long :) Hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!)

The time had come, It was the day of the wedding. You put your bridesmaid dress on, the ink black sleek dress hugging you tightly as you fixed your h/c bun with the black flower pin. You applied some crimson lipstick before meeting Sherlock.  He was wearing a black and white tuxedo with a white flower and jet black tie that suited his slender figure. You took his hand as he smiled at you. "You look beautiful," he said just above a whisper. "So do you" you smiled as you both got into the glossy black limousine. Everyone began pouring into the reception. You went into the room where Mary was as Sherlock went to see John. "Woah, Mary you look gorgeous!" You exclaimed as she smiled in her wedding dress. "Thank you," she said as you made your way to the reception. You smiled at Sherlock as the music began to play. Mary walked down the aisle as John's face lit up. You couldn't help but smile for them. That was until your mind went back to remembering the original plan. You wouldn't have gone through with it. It would've hurt the people you realised you loved the most. "Do you Mary Morstan take John Watson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" She took Johns hand and slipped the ring onto his finger "I do." "Do you John Watson take Mary Morstan to be your lawfully Wedded wife?" He gave her a smile as he placed the ring on her finger, "I do." After they both walked down the aisle together everyone went into the main hall for toasts. "Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, and.. Ermm. Others. We are here to celebrate the marriage of my best friend John Watson and the amazing Mary Morstan. When John first asked me to be the best man I was confused. I confess at first I didn't realize he was asking me. When finally I understood, I expressed to him that I was both flattered and surprised. I explained to him that I had never expected this request and I was a little daunted in the face of it. I nonetheless promised that I'd do my very best to accomplish a task which, for me, was as demanding and difficult as any I'd ever contemplated. Additionally, I thanked him for the trust he placed in me and indicated that I was in some ways very close to being moved by it. It later transpired that I'd said none of this out loud." You giggled along with the crowd as you smiled warmly at Sherlock. " I would also like to thank my Girlfriend, y/n, without her I don't think I would have been able to deliver this speech. As most people know I am blind in the presence of love and I don't truly understand the point of it and without this beautiful kind hearted woman I probably would have given a rather rigid speech if not no speech at all. The point I'm trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant and all-round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet. I am dismissive of the virtuous and uncomprehending in the face of the happy, So if I didn't understand I was being asked to be best man, it is because I never expected to be anybody's best friend and certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing. John, I am a ridiculous man, redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship and y/n's compassion. But, as I am apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion. Actually, now I can. Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am capable. To Mary and John Watson." Everyone raised their glasses and most had tears in their eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked you. You took his hand and kissed his cheek. "No, you did perfect." John hugged him and you hugged Mary as everyone made their way to the dance floor. Sherlock played the violin as the happy couple shared their first dance. The composition ended and music began to play through speakers as everyone joined in on the dancing. You walked up to Sherlock as he put his violin away. "That was beautiful" you exclaimed as he took your hand "not as beautiful as you. Would you, y/n, care to dance?" He said softly his hands warm against yours. "Of course," you said as he led you onto the dance floor. One hand in yours, the other resting firmly on your hip, you began to waltz. You looked up into his eyes and everyone faded out until all you could hear was the sound of your heart beating and the classical musics soft melody. You both melted into a slow dance your chin resting on his shoulder. He whispered, the warm air tingling your ear, "I love you, y/n." Did you hear him correctly? I love you. Sherlock bloody Holmes loves you. "I love you too" you whispered back as he pulled you in for a kiss ignoring the fact that all eyes were now on you two, including the bride and grooms. That was until the warm loving silence was broken by a harsh piercing gunshot. Bang.

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now