Chapter 32~

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You went upstairs getting prepared to leave in the morning. You wondered if it was a good idea, you had killed someone before but really wondered if this was the path you wanted to take. You packed a small bag as to not look suspicious and you sat on your bed in silence. You were going to miss Jim so much! You weren't going to see him for half a year and it physically pained you to think about it. "You okay pumpkin?" He came and sat down next to you. "Yes, I'm just processing the fact I'm not going to see you for 6 months." You looked to the floor trying to hold back the icy tears that was stinging your eyes. "I'm going to miss you but you have to know pumpkin that everything will be alright and we will be back to each other in no time." His voice was so pure and comforting you just wanted to hug him tightly and never let go. You went to sleep letting the snug blanket hug you tighter as you spent your last night in Moriarty's hideout. Morning soon came and you got dressed looking at your figure in the mirror. Your eyes looked weary from the amount of sleep you had gotten. You couldn't get over the fact that you wouldn't be seeing him for six whole months. "Looking good queen," you turned to be met by the slick figure of the one and only Moriarty. "I could say the same about you!" You said walking painfully slow towards him. You planted a kiss on his cheek before you went downstairs to make breakfast. "We need to make this very believable king," you paused munching on the soft buttered toast. "And for that to happen I need you to hit me." You placed the toast down as you saw a mortified look plastered on Jim's face. "I will most certainly not do that!" He said in utter disgust. "They said I would get hurt so let me show them they were 'right' " you tried to reason with him. "Queen there will never be a day that I lay  a finger on you ever and that's that!" His voice was stern and his gaze could kill. "Baby I know you would never hurt me intentionally and I love you for that but I need you to do this for me; I am giving you permission. If you won't do it I will find someone who will." You crossed your arms waiting for his reaction. "Fine I will but only because it will help the cause and you won't let me say no but don't think for one second I will do something like this ever again."

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now