Chapter 16~

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Finally, the sooty black car arrived and you began to walk up to it. You didn't expect Moriarty to get out as his cover would be blown but boy oh boy were you wrong. Out the car stepped a suited and booted Moriarty. He had thick black rimmed shades on and slicked back hair. He smirked as he walked up to you. He grabbed you by the hips pulling you closer till your lips met his. You kissed him back as he soon pulled away opening the door to the car gesturing you in before looking dead into the security camera across the street and grinned. "You did not just do that." You giggled at him. "Yep." He said leaning back in his seat pushing his sunglasses up his nose.
"I really do think your kind. Yes, you may kill people but they shouldn't judge you before getting to know what you are actually like." You said smiling at him. "Thank you but you know the media. They want big stories" he said turning serious. "I'm guessing you've seen videos of me on the Internet" he laughed really different to his usual happy laugh. "Actually no." You said proudly of your self. "If I want to hear about what you do then I said to myself I would ask you what you do not let the media turn you into a and I quote "heartless cold-blooded killer," you said anger flowing out of you in those last few words. He pulled you into a hug. "What am I gonna do?" You said a tinge of worry in your voice. "What do you mean love?" Pulling away from the hug. "Well I can't exactly go back can I? I basically screamed at them for not letting me see you again and now they're tracking me!" You said hugging him again burying your head in his chest. "If you want you can stay at mine and sebs," he said his hands running smoothly through your h/c hair. "Really?" You asked looking at him. "Yes," he said pulling you closer placing his head on your shoulder.

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now