Chapter 14~

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You got up planning on going to the supermarket. You did your hair in a smart bun and changed into the black Queen t-shirt with the black leggings and red and black shoes Moriarty chose for you. You grabbed your phone off the side and a to-go cup of tea (you weren't a coffee person) as yum made your way down the stairs. This time you saw Sherlock in front of the stairs and stopped before you knocked into him for the third time. "Oh, morning Sherlock what are you up to today?" You said still standing still as he was blocking your way. "Nothing really johns making tea. What about you?" He sounded rather suspicious like he was planning something behind your back. "I was just about to go to the supermarket why?" You asked rather confused. "How about you come to sit down and have a cup of tea with us." He stared directly into your eyes not blinking for even a split second. "Um..i really can't I've got to get more milk and I need some new notebooks for writing." You said subtly indicating the cup of tea in your hand. "No really I insist" he sounded much more firm this time. "Well..o..ok then" you stuttered in utter confusion. He ushered you into the apartment. "H..hi John." You said looking around than focusing on him. "Hi." He said annoyance in his voice. "That's so unlike John!" You thought to yourself. "Guys, what's going on?" You asked they both stared at you with a slight, What's the word.. disapprovment. "Maybe you should sit down we need to talk," John said Sherlock staring out the window. "Okay? You guys are confusing me." You said sitting in the client chair. Sherlock and John Came and sat in the opposing seats staring directly at you. That's when John turned to Sherlock. "You better be right about this Sherlock." He mumbled. "Of course I'm right." He just said back his eyes still focused on you. "No offence but can we hurry this up a little bit I've got to go to the store." You said sipping the tea you made earlier. "Yes of course. You know that guy you've been seeing." He said still not blinking. "Damn it! Okay stay calm y/n" you thought to yourself. "Not seeing were just friends." You said confidently. "The hickey on your next a couple of days ago states otherwise," he said as your face began to heat up. "Sherlock!" John hissed at him. "Ok well you know your friend," he said finally blinking. "Yes, what about him." You answered. "Is his name by any chance Jim Moriarty." He said spitting out the last two words. "Damn I'm gonna have to somehow explain this to him And just hope Jim understands," you thought. "Yeah. So what?" You said acting like you didn't know he was a criminal. "You do realise he's a criminal right?" John butted in. "He is not a criminal! He is the sweetest guy I've ever met!" You snapped angrily. "Y/n, he is a criminal he tried to kill John." Sherlock retaliated looking at John who just nods. "I swear he's not like that he is caring and considerate!" You said your voice cracking. "Y/n, you can't see him again," Sherlock said reaching out to you. You pushed his arm away from you. "WHY THE BLOODY HELL NOT?!" You yelled standing up pushing the chair away from you. "You're going to get hurt y/n we won't allow that to happen you can't see him again you just can't," John said firmly. "I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF DEALING WITH MY OWN PROBLEMS AND I DON'T NEED TO BE TOLD WHO I CAN AND CAN'T SEE DEFINITELY NOT BY THE LIKES OF YOU." You yelled frustrated at them. "Y/n calm down!" John said whilst Sherlock kept repeating the fact he's a criminal. "NO JUST NO YOU DON'T GET TO CONTROL MY LIFE SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" You ran out full on slamming the door behind you. "Oh love what's wrong?!" Mrs Hudson said holding a tray of tea and biscuits. "Sherlock and John are being jerks." You said annoyance coating each word. "Oh dear movie let me have a word with them"she said kindly. You could see she was already angry with the boys. "Thanks Mrs H" you said kissing her on the cheek before leaving.

WOOP hopefully this extra long chapter made up for the short chapter before :) damnmnn u went full on rage mode at Sherlock although they did just try and stop you from seeing Moriarty. ;)

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now