Chapter 31~

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You got back from the job with Moriarty your hands dripping with crimson blood. "king I'm gonna go wash my hands ill be down in a minute!" you yelled climbing the stairs. The job was to get rid of some person brother who was dating his cheating wife and it was all so confusing; all you knew was the brother was a fighter so you ended up slitting his throat with a small pocket knife engraved with a little magpie with a crown on it that Moriarty had got you for the anniversary of your first date. You scrubbed the blood off with a hazel coloured soap bar as you still questioned yourself. "Why don't I feel anything it's just?.......weird? " you said finally getting the sticky liquid off your skin. You went down to be met with a glued-to-his-desk Moriarty. "what are you working on king?" You said going and hugging him feeling  his loosen up to your touch. "A little welcome for Sherlock queen, nothing to difficult"he smiled as you remembered how tricky it was staging him committing suicide. "Jim I know your the boss and its your business but I kinda have a idea?" You looked to the floor worried for his response. Was he mad? Was he happy? The short silence between you made you question Wether it was a good idea to bring it up. "Whats your idea love?" He purred indicating for you to take a seat. "Well if we really wanna mess with Sherlock I was thinking we have a pretend fight," you paused trying to sound more professional and less like a hyper child. "Then I go to them ,for say a month, and I gain their trust. As you know John and Mary are planning on getting married in a while and if I get close to Mary I can convince her to make me bridesmaid. You then give me with a earpiece to communicate to you in a escape car outside. As Mary comes over to hug me I stab her in the back literally!" You giggled at your last comment waiting for his reaction. "We don't have to do that idea if dont want to?" You said trying to shake off the tremble in you voice. He stood up and lifted you out your chair till you were staring into his eyes. You tried to figure out how he felt about your idea but there was no expression on his face but then he smiled well more of a grin actually. You smiled relieved. He liked the idea...he actually liked the idea! You looked to the floor embarrassed about how excited you were. He suddenly pulled you into a kiss. You were so happy and shocked right now. Then it dawned on you... You just planned a murder.

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now