Chapter 2

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Tw: anxiety attack (it might not be similar to yours if you guys have them...)

Evans pov
I dodged people like I dodged social interaction in the halls, running to my next class before I was late.

"Oof!" I collided with someone and toppled over to the floor.

My stuff was sprawled all over the floor, up to 2 feet away from me. I knew I should've accepted Jared's old bag, instead of keeping my ripped one. There was a huge tear in my backpack which my stuff flew out of. Spruce, I'll really be late now!!

A voice called from above me. "Hey, you ok?"

I glanced up and saw a guy with brown hair near his shoulders reaching a hand out to me. It was the same guy who say next to me in the bus. A part of me was glad I ran into him, and another was horrified.  And now that I think about it.... He was SPARKLING! I must be going crazy.

"Hello?" He asked, waving his hand in my face.

Come on, Evan, think! Do something! Say something! Don't just sit here on the floor!! Apologize, and run to class!

I blinked. "I...Uh..I fell."

The sparkling person laughed. "No sh*t, Sherlock."

My cheeks flamed. Of course I just had to fall. And now everyone's probably looking at me and they'll judge me and I won't be able to make any friends because they wouldn't want to get to know me and-

"Hey," Mr. Sparkles interrupted. "I'm abducting you temporarily." Then he grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the bathroom.

Wow, Evan. Now you're getting abducted. Nice start of the day, not even one class in. You're going to be late for class, and when you get there, everyone's going to stare at you. The teacher, who you might not even know, would ask you why you're late, and if you just tell them that you fell, everyone will secretly be laughing at you.

I couldn't think clearly. My vision was blurred and I felt as if I was burning. Did he knock me out in order to kidnap me?

I flinched when a hand touched my shoulder.

The brown-haired boy smiled weakly. "Hey, you have to breathe slowly."

My heart sped up when I realized what was happening.

"I just told you to breathe slowly, not breathe faster!" He groaned.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I tried to calm down, but I couldn't.

Connors pov
The kid next to me was hyperventilating. His heart was pumping at, like, 200 beats per minute or something. I don't know. I didn't know what to do. I made a frustrated sound. I'm probably going to regret this act later, but whatever.

I hugged him gently brushed his tears away with my hand. Connor, that was really gay. Shut up, I'm bi, so deal with it. (A/n: apparently in the actual book Connors bi??)

We stayed like for for about 30 seconds or so until he calmed down.

Now that I think about it, he's definitely adorable- I MEAN COOL LOOKING-!!

"Um,... ah ..uhh" He squeaks, obviously uncomfortable.

My face heated and I instantly let go of him. "You were crying. So... yeah."


Awkward silence.

I faked a cough. "Hi, I'm Connor and I'm a senior. What's your name?" Haha, it's like kindergarten all over again. I mentally cringed at that thought.

"Uh... I-I'm Evan. And... I'm also a senior." He stammered.

I blinked. "A senior?!"

"Yeah... and... Um... Itmustseemreallystupidofmetocryoverstufflikethatand-" He rushed.

"Wait, you were the guy next to me in the bus!"

He looked at me in disbelief. "You.. you didn't r-recognize me?"

I instantly felt bad. "Hey, I barely talk to people!" That sounded like an excuse. A really bad excuse.

Then he giggled. "No no, it's fine, I'm.. I'm the same, actually." He shot me a small smile which made my heart die for a second. The f*ck was that?!

"I, uh," I stammered, "Well I'M Connor..." I messed up. Terribly.

Luckily, he smiled. Then fear flickered into his face. "Oh crap, did the, um, bell ring?!!" He shrieked.

"Uh, yeah, it did. A minute ago I think."

"I'm late! F-first day of the year and I-I'm already late! My mom is going to hate me for this!" He started patting different areas of the floor frantically.

I passed him his stuff. "Here, I got this for you."

He smiled gratefully and took it. "Th-thank you so much!" He stood up and started to head for the door.

My eyes focused on his empty, white cast on his arm. "Wait!" I shouted. "No one signed your cast yet."

He shifted his weight and looked down. "Uh... yeah."

"I want to sign it." I blurted.

"You what?"

"I said, I want to sign your cast."

His eyes practically shined. "R-really?!"

I blushed because I knew I was the one who made him really happy. "Of course! Now, your arm."

I pulled him arm towards me and uncapped my Sharpie. "So how'd you break your arm?" I inquired.

"O-oh. I..Um," he muttered, "I fell off of a tree."

"Well that's the saddest f*cking thing I've ever heard." I teased, scribbling my name on his cast so that it took up half of it.

"Y-yeah," he sighed.

"It was a joke. I didn't really much by it."


"Well you better get to class."


And then he smiled at me and left the bathroom, leaving me alone with my heart melted from cuteness.

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