chapter (...I forgot oops)

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Connor's pov
I wandered around Evan's house. He was, hopefully, upstairs sleeping. I went through the living room, but not before hitting my leg on a table. I winced. F*cking long legs.

I walked into the kitchen and decided to make some spaghetti. I was putting forks into freshly made spaghetti in the two bowls until I heard a loud thud from upstairs.

I raced up the stairs, kicking open the doors to every room until I went through the one with light blue walls.

Evan was curled up on the floor, sobbing.

Quickly, I placed the two bowls of spaghetti on the night stand and knelt in front of him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as gently as I could.

He shook his head. "Y-you-"

"Shh, Evan, calm down. It'll be okay."

"I.. you were standing there and then.." His voice cracked. "You were hit by a car. And I was just standing there and I didn't know what to do and there was just so much blood, I couldn't-"

I hugged him tightly. It hurt to see Evan like this. "Ev, I'm right here. I'm safe. We're safe."

He rested head on my shoulders, his crying was dying down. Then he sat back up and wiped his eyes with his arm. "I'm sorry, I must've looked really pathetic."

I got up, taking the two bowls of spaghetti. "No no, it's fine. Here, I made some spaghetti. Eat it, hopefully one it'll get your mind off of your nightmare."

He smiled weakly and took a bowl. "Thank you," he whispered and took a bite. His eyes lightened up a bit. "It's really good! Connor, did you secretly buy this or something?!"

I smiled. There's the happy Evan I love-er, like. I looked at my plate and started turning the fork in the spaghetti. "Well, thanks. I cook for myself sometimes, so I sort of know how to cook."

I looked over at Evan, and he had a completely empty bowl. "How on earth did you finish that already?!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, it.. it was just really good," he said with a mouthful.

I gave him half of mine. "Here, eat more if you want."

He gladly accepted, still chewing.

"I'll race you! 3,2,1, go!" I said, shoving as much spaghetti into my mouth as possible.

"Thash not fair!" Evan complained, still chewing his previous mouthful.

"Then you better start chewing faster!"


Evan ended up finished faster than me by a second. "Done!" He announced, opening his mouth to show he wasn't chewing anymore.

I eyed his bowl. "How?!!" I said, still chewing.

He giggled. "Secret!"

I swallowed. "Well, now what?"

Evan lie on his bed. "I think I'll try to sleep again," he said.

I stood up to leave. "Oh, okay. Bye."

"Wait!" Evan called.

I turned to face him. "Yeah?"

He at me and then his blankets. "Can you... can you stay with me? Please?" He pleaded.

"I should go though," I protested. I gave in anyways and hopped into his bed.

Evan lifted his blankets and covered me with them. "There! Now we can both be warm!"

I smiled, closing my eyes. "Yeah," I mumbled. I pretended to sleep until I heard Evan softly snoring. I took in his face. He was just so... cute! I grinned to myself before falling asleep too.

===== time skip brought to you by the rain outside the author's house====

Evan's pov
"Evan?" My mom's voice woke me up.
I sat up in my bed.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Are you in bed already? I made dinner. It's 11 pm, though. Here, I'll bring it up." My mom said, heading up the stairs.

I put my head back on my pillow. I opened my eyes. Crap, Connor still was here! I admired his peaceful sleeping face for a second, before remembering my mom was coming up. What would she think if I had a boy in my bed?!! We didn't do anything, but still!

I gently pushed Connor down near the bottom of the bed and scrambled to rearrange the blankets so he was covered and it looked like he wasn't there.

Just a few moments later, my my came in. "Evan, sweetie, do you want dinner? I made some Alfredo and grilled chicken."

"Oh. Um, ok." I said. I took my bowl and started eating. Hopefully I sounded normal.

Mom put two bowls on my night stand. ". I'll just put an extra bowl of Alfredo here in case you get hungry later."

Mom then started to sit in the left side of my bed, which was where Connor was hidden. I quickly set the bowl down and pulled the covers over my arms, and then used my arms to pull Connor closer to me so he didn't get sat on. After, I finished up the bowl of Alfredo I had started.

Mom sat. "Honey, you seen a bit more jittery than normal. Everything ok?" She asked.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm just tired from school."

Mom kissed me on the cheek and got up to leave. "Ok. Good night, Evan!"

"Good night," I replied.

Then I pretended to sleep, because I knew my mom would check on me in a few minutes.

Connor's pov
I woke up to find darkness. I rubbed my eyes again, only to find darkness again. Did I go blind? I felt around, and noticed I was under blankets. I peeked out and light erupted around me, making me squint. Yep, definitely not blind. Wait. This isn't my room.

I started panicking, and looked around. Evan was right next to me. I relaxed. Right.  Suddenly Evan opened his eyes.

"Oh! Hi Connor!" Evan whispered.

"Hi," I whispered back.

"Have a good sleep?"

"Yeah, I did, surprisingly."

"My mom left some extra Alfredo. You can have it, if you want. I already ate while you were sleeping."

I nodded and scooted over to the night stand and started eating. I was still under the blankets. MAN, THIS WAS GREAT! I propped a hole about six inches wide and six inches tall so I could eat while still under the blankets.

I heard a sound.

"Get down," Evan whispered.

I froze.

"Hi mom," Evan said casually, leaning over me while touching the bowl.

"Hi sweetie. I see you've eaten more Alfredo?"

"Yeah." Evan replied, "I was hungrier than I thought."

"Oh," his mom commented. "Well that's good that I brought-" she paused. "Evan?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Evan asked.

"When did you have three arms?"

We're screwed.

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