Chapter (insert correct number)

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Last chapter summary: They go to arts class with Ms. Canigula, and they need to makes groups and get to know each other. They discuss stuff like sexuality (Jared is ace, Evan is bi, Connor is bi) and then Evan admits he likes someone which makes Connor upset and he ends up hanging in the bathroom with suicidal thoughts and goes home early.

Evan's pov
I was sitting in class, completely ignoring Ms. Rolan's class. She was talking about the latest celebrity news, I think.

I was worried. It looked like Connor was in a hurry to leave near the end of class. Did I say something wrong? 

I stared at my desk. I always say something wrong when trying to make friends. I should've known it would happen soon.

A voice cut through my thoughts. "Evan?"

I glanced up at the board. "Um.. I.. Shawn Mendes?" I felt my hands starting to sweat.

Ms. Rolan cast me a worried smile.  "I was calling attendance, Evan."

People in the class snickered. And I looked down at my hands.

"Alright class, stop laughing that's really rude, but I guess that also stuff teens do. Anyways, for your classwork, we get a pop quiz! Yay!" Ms. Roland announced as she started handing out the papers. "And don't you guys even dare telling other people about the quiz," she warned, "cause I'll know. Trust me, I have ears everywhere. Once you get the quiz, you may start. You have until the end of class. No cheating, I see all you sneaky kids. Silence only, I know, that sucks but hey, at least I know you're not cheating."

She reached my desk last and tapped me on the shoulder. "Evan, are you ok? You've been spacing out for half of class. You weren't really 'here' for 20 minutes."

"Um,'s ... I just have a lot on my mind." I mumbled.

"Go to the nurse, Evan. It's obvious you haven't been sleeping well for a while now."

My fingers instinctively felt under my eyes. "What? How did-?" How did she know? I haven't been sleeping well for the past few weeks because... well, my arm.

Ms. Rolan sighed. "At least try to hide your dark circles, Evan. It's really obvious. Go to the nurse, and take a nap or something. I don't want you taking this quiz sleep-deprived. You can take it tomorrow, after a good night's rest. Gotta get that beauty sleep!" She smiled.

"Ok.." I agreed, heading out the classroom.

-----Time skip like 3 min brought to you by Michael's red hoodie-----

I arrived at the nurse's office. I hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He called. (A/n: yes, boys can be nurses too it's just... a lot don't.)

I stepped inside.

"Well, Evan, how may I help you today?" The nurse asked. He knew my name because I would often come here to take my anxiety pills if I forgot to take them before coming to school.

"Um, ...the... Ms. Rolan told me to come here because I needed sleep." I said.

He nodded. "So how much have you been sleeping?"

"About three hours a night."

"How long have you been doing that?"

"Since summer started."

The nurse nodded. "Unfortunately, our beds are.... somewhere. The janitor stole them temporarily. You should go home. I'll write a note in the system that you had to go home early."


"Yeah. Do you have your house keys?"

"Um... yeah... I think so."

"Alright. Can your mom pick you up?"

I shook my head. "No, she's working."

"Then I'll send someone to send you. You know Mr. Heere, right?"

I nodded.

((((((((Time skip brought to you by Alana's straight A's (A/N: impossible for me because of MATH lol))))))))))))

The whole drive was silent so far. I looked outside the window, my eye spotting a flash of black. I knew that outfit. And the hair.

"Stop, stop here!" I screeched.

Mr. Heere slammed on the breaks. "Geez Evan! You scared me half to death!" He laughed, and unlocked the doors.

I got out, thanking him as I left.

His car drove away and I turned too face the flash of black I saw.

A grin broke out, as I ran to that spot of black. "Connor! Hi!!" I shouted, running towards him.

Connor squinted in the sunlight. "Evan?"

I stumbled, tripping over the stairs of the front porch. I braced myself for the impact.

He caught me. "Woah, Evan. Slow down! Are you really that excited to see me?" He laughed.

I got up, brushing myself off. "Yeah!"

Connor widened his eyes. "Wait, really? Are you sure? Are you even actually here?"

I giggled. "Yes, really, and I'm sure I'm here! See?" I cupped his face with my hands.

His face reddened as he quickly took my hands off and readjusted his black hoodie that was tied around his waist . "Well, uh, y-yeah I can tell now."

I tilted my head. "Connor, are you ok? You seem a bit flushed," I noted.

He turned around, twirling his keys. "Yeah. It's a bit hot in my long sleeved shirt."

"Then take it off," I suggested.

He stopped twirling the keys and turned back to stare at me. "Excuse me?"

I blushed. I can't believe I just told Connor to take his shirt off. Like, I really would like to see him shirtle-wait no! Evan! Stop! "I-I-I didn't mean it in a weird way!!" I blurted.

He chucked, ruffling my hair. "Ok, whatever. Anyways, what's a good kid like you out of school?"

Oh. Right. "Um, they told me I need more sleep." I replied.

Connor nodded and leaned against the front door. "Well, where's your house? We should head over so you can get some sleep."

I searched my address on Google maps. Only a five minute walk from here. "Five minutes away. Just keep walking straight, and then turn a right at the end of the street."

Connor leaped off the steps and started walking towards the direction of my house . "Well, come on! I have to eat lunch soon."

I joined him. We talked the whole way there, making jokes no one understands except us two.

Connors pov

We suddenly reached Evan's house before we knew it. I decided to see Evan go to bed in case he doesn't.

Evan fumbled with his keys before unlocking the door and stepping in and taking his shoes off.

"Come on in, Connor."

I took in my surroundings as I walked inside and also took my shoes off. "Its... really cool, actually," I marvelled.

"R-really? I know it's not much." Evan said, skeptical.

I shook my head. "No, no, it just... gives a "homey" kind of vibe, unlike my house. It's super welcoming."

Evan smiled. "Oh. I didn't think if it that way. We'll, I should be getting that sleep," he said.

I nodded. "Should I go now?"

"Nonono please stay!" Evan blurted.

"Oh uh ok then." I responded.

Evan smiled at me, thankful, before heading upstairs.

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