Chapter ...23

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Evan's POV
I still am on Connor's lap. His chin was resting on my shoulder.

We were only a couple rounds in truth or dare, and it was already getting.... As Jared would call it, "spicy".

"Connor, truth or dare?" Zoe smirked.

"Uh, ... I feel like both options would be bad," he laughs.

"Well, too bad," Zoe shrugs.

Connor groans. "Fine. Truth."

"How'd you find out you were bi?"

"Uh," Connor stammers, "I third grade I liked this girl named Heather but then the next year I didn't like her anymore... and... yeah."

"Wait, then how'd you find out you like guys too?" Alana inquires.

Connor blushes. "Uhh.... stuff..."

Alana frowns. "That's not-"

"-that was another question," Connor interjects.

Alana sighs.

"My turn!" Jared announces. "Connor, truth or dare?"

"Why is everyone after me?!" Connor replies, exasperated.

I laugh.


Jared winks at me.

??? Why did he-???

"I dare you to tell us how you found out you liked boys too."

"But that's a truth!" Connor exclaims.

"No, I dared you to tell."

Connor glares at Jared. "That doesn't count!"

"It does," Zoe and Alana counter.

Connor scowls. "Sheesh, fine. Um... In 6th grade we watched Titanic and I thought Leonardo Di Caprio was hot," he mumbles.

Zoe gasps. "So that's why you had all those titanic posters in your room that time! And in 7th you got into High School Musical because you thought Zac Effro--"

"Shut uuup!" Connor groans hiding his face".

"Aww," I comment, smiling while petting his head.

"He has been demoted to a dog now," laughs Jared.

"What?!" I cry, "No!"

"I am not a dog!" Connor exclaims.

"My dudes, chill," Jared says, raising his hands in surrender.

"Alright, my turn!" Alana declares, "so, Zoe, truth or dare?"

"Um, truth."

"I dare you to ask your crush out  within 5 minutes. Text them,  whatever."

Zoe shifts. "Do I have to?"

"The Zoe Murphy isn't backing away from a dare, is she?" Alana teases.

Connor sends Zoe an smirk.

What's going on?

"Fine then," Zoe huffs.

A minute of awkward silence.

"4 minutes left," Alana informs.

"I know, I know!" Zoe sighs, "Just let me prepare myself, ok?"

Connor's POV
Evan was clearly comfortable in my lap. He was now lying on his back across my lap.

Me on the other hand, not so much. My feet feel like they're being crushed because I put them in an awkward position. I also don't want to move them because Evan would notice.

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