A week later

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Trish's POV

The first week is up so next week my chin should be okay but it is getting better I can talk a little better anyway I am on my phone looking through social media then a message popped up and it read my ex boyfriend's name I looked at the message it read:


Hey babe wanna meet up again

From Richard Keeling

I didn't text him back I only did the thing that came to my mind was throw my phone at the sofa and I did then I walked into the back room to take a deep breath no I can't believe he found me and how I changed everything I made a new account for everything social media I have I changed my number as well so how in the hell did he find me.

Then I heard a voice it was Jeff he has become so protective of me lately.

Jeff: Trish?

Trish: yeah

Jeff: you okay? 

I walked out of the room and acted like I haven't got a message off my abusive ex.

Trish: yeah why?

Jeff: I heard a bang and I wanted to know if you were okay

Trish: yeah I dropped my phone by accident 

Jeff: oh it's nothing bad 

Trish: no 

Jeff: good... want to hang out?

Trish: ok

Me and Jeff were about to walk out of the room when Jeff stopped me.

Jeff: you want to take your phone?

Trish: no it's okay

Jeff: okay

We walked out of the room and the arena.

Jeff: so tell me more about you 

Trish: well what do you wanna know?

Jeff: well you rarely told me about your high school years

Trish: oh I don't like to talk about it

Jeff: okay don't tell me everything but sum it up for me

Trish: okay I was a straight A student and I had a boyfriend but we broke up at the end of the high school years I had a few friends but we lost touch anyway off me what about you?

Jeff: I was a sporty person in high school, I liked a girl but she turned me down so I ignored her everytime I saw her and I wasn't a straight A student but I was a good student.

Trish: *smiles*

Me and Jeff carried on talking but I didn't mention anything about my past with my parents and my boyfriend because these are horrible memories.

Jeff: Trish?

Trish: huh?

Jeff: we better go back

Trish: uh yeah 

We walked back to the arena.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Trish blanked out again I want to know what is going on because she is a mystery to me and I want to see what she is hiding not because I am being nosey it's because I want to help her because whatever is troubling her it is getting worse.

We walked back to the arena where we saw Matt and Lita.

Lita: me and Trish have to talk in her locker room

Matt: okay

Lita and Trish walked away and when they were out of sight I turned to Matt

Matt: what's up?

Jeff: Trish has blanked out a few times and I'm worried

Matt: so are we 

Jeff: but she won't tell anyone 

Matt: well we have to show her that she can trust us because we won't hurt her and besides she is still new and fragile to others

Jeff: *nods* I guess so

Me and Matt walked to our locker room and Matt was telling me about a match he had.

Jeff: oh I'm sorry Matt 

Matt: what for?

Jeff: if I knew you had a match I would've stayed here and watched it just in case anything happened to you

Matt: don't worry about it Jeff

Jeff: you sure?

Matt: yeah

We carried on walking and talking about anything and now and again I would be talking about Trish and how she was acting while we were hanging out.

Matt: it's strange

Jeff: *nods* Trish is a mystery

Matt: yeah 

Jeff: and I want to know what's wrong

Matt: Jeff don't get in her business

Jeff: I know but I want to help her because whatever happened it is hurting her and that's why she is blanking out 

Matt: you might be right

We carried on talking about anything else. 

Jeff: what you doing after the show?

Matt: taking Lita out 

Jeff: where?

Matt: I don't know maybe the place where we met

Jeff: okay

Matt: hope she will like it

Jeff: Matt anywhere you two go she will love it because she loves you a lot

Matt: I know 

Jeff: I don't know what I am gonna do after the show maybe go back to the hotel and stay there 

Matt: I thought you would've gone out 

Jeff: nah 

Matt: or are you gonna hang out with Trish?

Jeff: no she is staying at the hotel because she is tired and she wants to relax

Matt: oh 

Jeff: *nods*

Me and Matt reached our locker room. 

End of POV

Matt's POV

I agree with Jeff when he said that Trish is a mystery and he wants to help her we all want to help her but she needs to know that she can trust us and she can open up to us.

After the show I am taking Lita to the place where we met for a date and she agreed anyway I was telling Jeff about everything I told Lita and he told me what he and Trish was talking about while they were out and he was telling me what Trish was like when she blanked out something is wrong and we want to find out what is wrong and how we can help her.

End of POV

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