Matt thinks that Jeff likes Trish

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Matt's POV

I have seen the way that Jeff is acting when he is with Trish and it is different to the way he acts around any other girl and by that I mean he acts like that he likes her a lot.

Jeff: hey bro

Matt: hey

Jeff: what's up?

Matt: do you like Trish?

Jeff: as a friend

Matt: more than a friend

Jeff: no why do you ask?

Matt: because since that flashback that Trish had yesterday you were blushing a lot

Jeff: because I just remembered the memory

Matt: yeah sure

Jeff: don't you believe me

Matt: *lies* of course

Jeff: I know you're lying to me

Matt: I'm sorry it's just it is pretty obvious that you like her

Jeff: no it isn't

Matt: ask Lita

Jeff: she will only agree with you because she is your girlfriend

Matt: she might agree she might not

Then the door opened and in walked Lita.

Matt: Lita isn't it obvious that Jeff likes Trish

Lita: yeah

Jeff: you're only agreeing with Matt is because you're dating him

Lita: no I'm being serious

Jeff: we're friends and it will stay that way

Matt: yeah sure 

Lita: me and Matt were friends and now look at us we're dating and we are happy 

Jeff: me and Trish aren't you and Matt

Lita: we know but in our opinion you and Trish look really cute together

Jeff: I have got to go 

Matt: where are you going?


J.R: oh my gosh Trish doesn't deserve this


Jeff: I am going down to the ring.

Jeff ran out of the room.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I ran down to the ring.

J.R: it's Jeff Hardy!

I slid into the ring and Mickie slid out of the ring I walked up to her.

Jeff: you okay?

Trish: *nods slowly*

Jeff: come on

I helped her up and we both got out of the ring and I helped her up the ramp. 


We got backstage and I helped her to her locker room.

Jeff: I'll stay with you 

Trish: don't you have a match?

Jeff: no not really

Trish: okay

*Outside Trish's locker room*

We walked in and I helped Trish sit down on the sofa I sat by her and she looked tired.

Jeff: Trish you look tired

Trish: I just had a match

Jeff: I know 

Trish: *small smile*

Jeff: can't believe that Mickie would do that

Trish: it's Mickie she is crazy she has tried to steal my title

Jeff: really?

Trish: *nods* 

We carried on talking until the door opened and Matt and Lita walked inside the room with a smile. 

Lita: you ok?

Trish: yeah I will be fine

Lita: you sure?

Trish: I'm sure Lita it is only a few bruises but I will be fine

Matt: nu uh she used a steel chair on your back so it might be serious 

Trish: well I'll be fine 

Jeff: Trish

Trish: look I'm fine you're fine 

Matt: calm down

Trish: the world is fine and like I said I'll be fine 

Lita: Trish!

Trish: what?

Jeff: calm down

Trish: why? I'm not angry or upset or....

Matt: we know just calm down you're talking too fast 

Lita: yeah 

Trish: I'm not talking really fast

Lita: you are

Trish: what? I'm not since the world is fine and you're fine I'm fine I will always be fine even if I get hurt in the ring but I don't care *talks really fast*

Lita, Matt, Jeff: *yells* Trish!

Matt: anyway me and Lita had better go

Jeff: okay

Matt and Lita walked out of the room.

Trish: I can't believe what Mickie did to me she is so annoying and really harsh to people who don't like her and it can get so annoying she comes up to you and asks for things or asks to be friends and then she stabs you in the back.

Trish carried on talking really fast so I did the only thing I could think of and that was.....

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Matt walked out of Trish's locker room and we headed to my rental car since Matt wanted to take me somewhere.

Lita: where are we going?

Matt: you'll see

Lita: can't you just tell me?

Matt: no because it will spoil the surprise 

Lita: really?

Matt: yes I hate to spoil the surprise I have for my beautiful and perfect girlfriend

Lita: *blushes*

Matt: *smiles*

He took me to the park.

Lita: why are we at the park?

Matt: you'll see

We got out of the car and we walked to the park then Matt placed his hands over my eyes.

Lita: Matt

Matt: I told you it was a surprise

Lita: *giggles*

We carried on walking then Matt removed his hands and I saw a picnic with a candle in the middle.

Lita: awe Matt this is adorable 

Matt: anything for you Lita 

Lita: *smiles*

We sat down and started to talk and joked around.

End of POV

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