showing Lita/ hospital

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Trish's POV

Me and Jeff went back to the arena that place was so beautiful Jeff is so sweet to me but I always think what did I do to deserve Jeff.

*At the arena*

Jeff pulled up outside the arena and we both walked inside and headed to mine and Lita's locker room since Matt and Lita will still be in there.

*Outside Trish and Lita's locker room*

We walked in and I saw Lita she saw me and smiled.

Lita: okay me and Trish have to talk 

Trish: wait what?

Lita stood up and dragged me out of the room.

Lita: so?

Trish: well he got me this

I showed her the bracelet and she was about to freak out but I told her to calm down.

Trish: that's not all he got me this

I showed her the necklace as well then I told her about the place that he took me to.

Lita: that is s adorable 

Trish: I know he told me only the best for my beautiful girlfriend

Lita: no way

Trish: yeah

Lita: that is so sweet 

Trish: I know 

Lita: I am gonna get a drink want one?

Trish: sure

Lita walked off and when she was out of sight I felt an impact on my head I saw Mickie James she pushed me into a box full of equipment and she carried on to attack me and when she was done I closed my eyes.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I walked out of Trish and Lita's locker room with Matt following me and we headed to the lunch room and as we were walking I saw a blonde on the floor I couldn't see the face so I walked up to the blonde and saw it was Trish.

Jeff: Matt get help!

Matt nodded and then ran down the corridor.

Jeff: Trish please be okay

Matt came running back with the medical staff following him they kneeled beside Trish.

Jeff: Trish please be okay 

Matt: come on Jeff 

Jeff: no I am not leaving her side she has never left my side so I won't leave her side 

Matt: Jeff let the medical staff help her

Jeff: I am still not leaving her!

Matt: okay *holds hands up in defence*

A member of the medical staff got a phone and rang for an ambulance.

*After 30 minutes*

The ambulance came and they loaded Trish into the ambulance I was about to get in the ambulance with her but the refs stopped me.

Ref: you can't go with her

Jeff: why not?

Ref: your brother told me to tell you that

I glared and turned around and saw Matt.

Jeff: why would you do that!

Matt: I did that because you might not like what you will see

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