Trish vs Melina

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Trish's POV

I can wrestle now because my chin is fine anyway I was getting ready for my match and as I was putting my top on the door opened so I quickly put my top on I turned around and saw Jeff.

Jeff: I didn't see anything

Trish: you better not have

Jeff: promise

Trish: ok 

Jeff: *smiles*

Trish: anyway what's up?

Jeff: it's time for us to go down to the ring

Trish: wait us?

Jeff: yeah I told you that I would go down to the ring with you

Trish: oh yeah

Jeff: *smiles* you ready?

Trish: yeah

Me and Jeff walked out of the room and headed to the curtain I saw Melina on her own.

Melina: *sees Jeff and Trish* how is that fair you get Jeff in your corner and I get no one

Jeff: because we know what the person who is in your corner would do to Trish

Melina: yeah but I will still beat Trish

Trish: *rolls eyes*

Melina walked out from the curtain and did a pose.

Announcer: this match is set for one fall first making her way to the ring Melina!

She got in the ring and did another "pose".

I walked out from the curtain and pointed to the crowd and smiled.

Announcer: and her opponent being accompanied by Jeff Hardy...she is the women's champion Trish Stratus!

I got in the ring and pointed to the crowd and smiled. I stood in front of Melina the bell rang and we started.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I was in Trish's corner like I promised her Trish had the upper hand on Melina and she kicked Melina at the side of her head which Trish calls the chick kick.

*After an hour*

Announcer: here is your winner Trish Stratus!

I got in the ring and hugged her she hugged back.

Jeff: knew would win

Trish: *smiles* 

We both got out of the ring and we walked up the ramp and headed backstage.


Trish: thanks for being out there for me

Jeff: no problem 

Trish: where is Lita?

Jeff: she is with Matt they are going to the place where they first met for a date

Trish: awe that's so sweet

Jeff: did your boyfriend do that?

Trish: um not really 

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