It's been a few days since I was at Bella's office talking about my idea for the 'I almost do' music video and we already found a director called Grant Singer, he worked with The Weeknd and Taylor Swift and we really liked him so when we told him my vision for the music video and he agreed to work with us on it I was really excited.
Today we are looking at a few locations and sets for the music video and seeing if there is anything I want to change or add to the sets and just see that what I had in mind is what's actually happening. "So this is the last location but it's kind of the main shot where most of the video will take place so it's one of the most important ones" Grant said "I say that you Cami just walk around and check that everything is like you want it to be and me and Bella will over there next to the snacks table preparing the headshots and audition tapes for the male actors so when you're done just come over to us and will choose the guy" he said "you got it" I replied and he and Bella started walking away.
I walked around the set which was a living room and kitchen set with a big window at the 'living room' with a big green screen behind it so in editing they will put a city view. As I was looking around I got even more excited about filming because it finally felt real. Everything I was imagining in my head is here and happening like I wanted it to be. Once I was done looking around and giving my notes to the set designer I walked towards grant and Bella.
"So who are our options?" I say as I reached them. "Okay I looked at the options and already took out the ones I knew you wouldn't like" Bella said "aww you know me so well" I say sarcastically even though it is true, Bella knows me better than I know my self. "Any ways these are the people we have left" Bella said and gave me a computer with audition tapes.
I watched all the auditions and gave Bella a look. "What didn't you like?" She asked me "it's just that none of them feel right" I said sighing "this is supposed to be real and emotional and I don't feel like any of these guys fit what I had imagined" I tell her. "Okay well when you're thinking about the music video who is someone that fits for you? Maybe we could get him to be here?" Grant said.
"Well I think someone like Shawn Mendes or Dylan O'Brien or Tom Holland" I say thinking that they are the type of people I wanted "Well I think we can reach out to all of them and see if they are available and if they are we'll schedule them. How does that sound?" He asks me "that sounds amazing! Thank you so much Grant" I say giving him a hug.
"It's so no problem Cami I love working with you and hearing your opinion not every one is like that" he said smiling at me "anyway I think you are done for the day Cami if there isn't anything else you want?" Bella said "kicking me out of my own set Bella?" I ask jokingly "I'm kidding, no there isn't any thing else I need from you guys so I'm gonna leave you alone and go home" I say as I hugged both of them goodbye and left.
"Don't forget that you have a photoshoot tomorrow with cosmopolitan magazine!" Bella shouted at me as I was leaving. "I wouldn't dare forget" I turn around and say and give her a wink.
I got home and it was already 9:30 pm. I can't believe I was out at the set all day. I ate some quick dinner and got ready for bed, when I got into bed I spent a good few hours on my phone going from Instagram to twitter and interacting with some fans. I noticed that some fans are still talking about me and Tom which I think was cute how excited they got over something that isn't even real. When I decided it was enough social media for the day I put my phone in charge and went to bed.
The next day I woke up at 7:30 from my alarm. Groaning I turned it off and went to my bathroom to shower and brush my teeth, not doing my hair or makeup as they will get done at the shoot I have today. When I was dressed and ready to go it was just time to leave so grabbed my keys phone and bag and left to the photoshoot.
When I got to the cosmo building I met with Bella and she gave me some coffee that she got for me "you are perfect I love Bella you're the best" I say as I sip my coffee "I know I know" she said smirking "Okay so first you're gonna get hair and makeup done and then you'll have three shoots with three different outfit one of those outfits for the cover the others are for the actual article inside" she said letting me know my plans for the shoot when she was done talking I just said "got it" and walked into the hair and makeup.
When I was done for the day it was already five pm. "Okay you did great today Cami just remember tomorrow we have fittings for the vmas that are in two weeks and then you're free for the weekend" Bella said as we left the building with some paparazzis taking pictures of us "you got it B see you tomorrow" I said and walked to my car.
When I got home Liv was there as usual watching tv and eating my food and we just talked about our days and watched random shows.
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Liked by: selenagomez, tomholland2013 and 873,550 others @CamilaGomez: had so much fun today in cosmo shoot! Look out for me in the stands on the September issue! Comments: 673,928
@tomholland2013: looking good Camila! Can't believe we're engaged
@selenagomez: my baby sister always looking good as f***
@itsliv: that's my best friend! Go best friend!
@camilagomez: @tomholland2013 thanks future hubby! We still have to meet for the first time before we get married! @selenagomez @itsliv love you guyzzz