-Camila- Today was the day! We are finally filming the music video for 'I almost do' I'm so excited for this shoot because we have been working on this project for so long now that I'm excited to actually do it and film it.
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Liked by: selenagomez, Zendaya and 973,792 others @camilagomez: I'm so excited to announce that my next single is 'l almost do'! Here's a little sneak peek for the hair and makeup for the music video that's being filmed today. Comments: 798,462
@itsliv: I'm so excited to see it!!!!
@zendaya: looking good boo! love you
@selenagomez: I better be the first to see it when it's ready!!
@camilagomez: @itsliv @zendaya @selenagomez I love my friendssss
We were just finishing the last shot I had to do alone and now all the shots that are left to film are the ones with Tom which I'm really excited about because they're the most important shots. I was getting my makeup and hair touched up when I saw in the mirror someone approaching.
"Camila hey!" Tom said "I just wanted to say hello before we start shooting together" he said and smiled "tom hi" I say smiling at him and getting up from the chair I was sitting on to give him a hug "I'm so excited that you said yes to this" I said smiling back at him "are you kidding I'm so excited that you wanted me to be here"
"Well who else is better to play an ex lover than my secret boyfriend" I say joking. I like that we both go along with this joke. "Yeah you know gotta support my secret girlfriend" he said nodding his head "plus now we can finally say we had more than just one conversation" he said and I laughed lightly "woah two conversations? I think we're taking this relationship a little to fast" i say and we both laugh.
"Okay Tom and Cami if you're done flirting we would like to start shooting this music video!" Bella yelled at us from across the room "Yeah Yeah whatever bella we're coming" I say shaking my head at her.
"....and that's a wrap on 'I almost do'!!!" Grant yelled and we all clapped and shouted. "Any final words Cami?" He asked me "uh I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who worked on this project with us and I hope this turns out as perfect as I'm picturing it to be!" I say and everyone claps again and then go back to cleaning up the set.
"This will turn out even better than you think. I'm sure" Tom said getting closer to me and giving me a quick hug "thank you tom and also thanks again for doing this I can't thank you enough" I say "Camila you need to stop thanking me I should be thanking you" he said with a serious face "oh I know how about I take you out to lunch? as a thanks for letting me be in your video" he asks me "I think I need to take you to lunch though" I say
"Well how about I take you to lunch today and you could take us for lunch on a another day?" He asks trying to compromise "what makes you think I'd want to eat lunch with you more than once?" I say smirking "oh I think you're gonna want to eat lunch me way more than once" he said smirking back "getting a little cocky there aren't we?" I ask "but whatever I just need to grab my phone and bag and we could go" I say and grab my things "got everything?" He asked "I think so" I reply "great then let's go" he said and we made our way out to the parking lot
"Did you come here with a car? because I didn't" I tell him "I did it's right here" tom said and stopped next to an Audi "damn those marvel people are paying you good I see" I say joking and we both got in the car. "Well music pays well 'ms I drive in a Range Rover'" He said and smirked at me "how do you know what I drive?" I ask "I saw you getting in your car that day we met at our managers office" he said looking at me quickly then back to the road. "Or you stalked me and that's how you know and how we met for the first time" I say "I guess you'll never know" he says trying to do a mysterious voice that made me laugh hard and he joined.
"Okay well since you actually live here you get to decide where we gonna go eat" he said once we stopped at a red light looking at me "Well you go straight here and left at the next intersection then there's a really good Italian place" I say suggesting him "Italian sounds good" he said nodding and continued driving there. "By the way you can call me Cami instead of Camila if you want" I say smiling at him "alright, cami" he said emphasizing the Cami. He just gets better and better every minute you know him.