I was in bed with Liv beside me passed out which is what always happens when we watch tv in a comfortable place so I'm not surprised. I was on my Instagram when I saw on my explore page a picture of the boy I met today. "You're just everywhere aren't you?" I mumbled to my self.
I looked at the picture and I was reading the caption when I found my self giggling and smiling slightly. Damn this boy was kinda funny. I was planning on just ignoring this rumor that was going on until another one came on but i guess he wanted to handle it a little bit differently. I liked the picture and decided I'll follow him, I don't know how I wasn't following him until now.
I decided that if he chose to address this rumor of us that I might as well go along with his joke from his caption on Instagram. I however chose to use Twitter seeing I didn't have a picture I wanted to upload and I was in no condition to take one now.
@camigomez: to all the people who thought I'll die alone: suck it! I have such a great secret relationship even I didn't know about it!! I wonder if I'm also secretly engaged but just hadn't found out yet :-/ Favorites: 489,567 rt: 397,428
After twitting what I had to say I looked at the replies to my tweet and favoriting and following people who I saw were fans of mine. After having a little following spree I saw that Tom liked and re-twitted what I had twitted. After that I followed him and he followed me back and I saw he twitted something as well
@tomholland1996: @camigomez so nice to have you as a girlfriend! Perhaps we should actually meet each other and have a first real conversation seeing as we're dating and probably engaged! Favorites: 356,473 rt: 276,873 | @camigomez: @tomholland1996 for sure! Gotta get to know my boyfriend. Favorites: 342,783 rt: 286,623
After being on twitter for a while I closed my phone and put on my night stand to charge. I felt hungry so decided to wake Olivia up and see if she wants to go get dinner seeing as I'm not in the mood to cook and she can't cook.
"Liv wake up" I said while nudging her. "Hmmmm five more minutes" she mumbled "no Liv wake up I'm hungry" I said louder now so that she would wake up. Sure enough it worked and she sat up and rubbed her eyes "What time is it?" She asked while looking for her phone "it's 8pm" I said.
"Damn I forgot I told my parents I'll have dinner with them today. I need to be there in half an hour." She said and got up and put her shoes and started running out of my room "bye Cami I'll text you later!!" She yelled and I heard the door shut.
I decided to text my sister and she if she's up to going out to eat.
Me: Hey sel, you hungry?
Sel: I was just about to call you and ask if you want to go get dinner!
Me: Well my answer to that would be yes! Do you want to meet there or should I pick you up?
Sel: Hmmm pick me up. Not in the mood to drive
Me: Alright. Be there in 10
I grabbed my phone, bag and keys and went out the door and into my car and started driving to her house which was like five minutes away if there's no traffic.
Me: Outside.
After texting her she immediately came out and got into the car. "Hey lil sis what's going on?" She said as she gave me a quick side hug and I started driving "everything is good I actually was at Bella's office today and we talked about my next single and music video for it which is exciting" I told her and saw her smiling at me. That's what I love about her she's always so supportive of me and my career.
"That's really cool. What song is it going to be?" She asked "I almost do" I said to her and looked at her quickly when I was in a red light to see her reaction to what I said which was surprised "really? I didn't expect that but I think it could be really cool putting out a more emotional single to show the fans a different side of you" she said and smiled softly at me "that's exactly what I was thinking when I was telling Bella my idea" I said and smiled even bigger.
"Well you know what they say, great minds think alike" she said "I just realized we haven't talked about where we're going to eat. I'm assuming the usual place though right?" She asked me. "I think so. Unless you want somewhere new?" I ask her. "Nah I like our usual place. They already know our orders right as we walk in there" she said and laughed lightly and I joined.
When we got to the restaurant I pulled into the parking and we both got out and walked inside "Selena!, Camila! So nice to see you again" the owner Danny said "you too Danny" we both said and smiled at him as we sat down in our usual table "I'm going to get you your usuals" he said with a big smile as he walked into the kitchen.
"Don't you just love him and this place?" Sel asks me "I do. I love this place so much" I said looking around the little restaurant and smiling. We sat there and talked for a few minuets when Danny came out with our food "here you go girls, enjoy the food" he said still smiling "thanks danny" At the same time that sel said "thank you".
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Liked by itsliv, tomholland2013 and 689,560 others @camilagomez: went out to dinner with my sis @selenagomez <3 ps: how does she look so good all the time?!. Comments: 540,523
After we finished eating we paid and said goodbye to Danny and the other people who we know that we're working. As we were leaving the restaurant there were flashes all around us and we were surrounded by paparazzis and some fans. We took pictures with the fans and talked to them while we were heading to the car and ignored all the questions that were being shouted at us.
We got into the car and I started driving carefully trying not to hit anyone because they were standing so close to the car. "Every single time I'm amazed by how close they stand to the car even when we start driving, it's so dangerous I don't get why they do that" Selena told me "I don't get it either. My biggest fear is that one day I might hit one of them because they surround the car from every angle.
We got away from the paparazzi and we were driving when Selena started talking again "you know I still didn't ask you about this whole Tom Holland thing that I saw going around" she said and smirked at me "is there something you want to share Cami?" She asked "there's nothing to tell sel, we met once in Bella's office and there were these articles saying we're dating and shit so we just went along with the joke. That's it I swear" I say as I was pulling up to her house
"Ok we'll keep me posted about this situation" she said smiling at me getting out of the car "there is no situation to keep you posted on!!" I yelled as she was walking towards her house and she turned around waved and went inside. I drove home and got ready to bed and went to sleep thinking back about the long day I had.