I was just sitting in my bed watching shows when my phone lit up signaling I got a text.
Tommy: Heyyy What are you doing right now?
Nothing much Just watching tv in my bed
Tommy: So do you want to go out for coffee?
Sure coffee sounds nice Pick me up in 15?
Tommy: You got it
After 15 minuets I got a text from Tom saying he's here so I grabbed my bag and keys and left my apartment. When I got out of the building I saw tom waiting leaning on his car.
"Took you long enough" he jokes hugging me as I got closer
"Oh shut up is literally took me a minute to come down" I say hugging him back. When we pulled away I walked to his car and he opened the door for me
"Why thank you Tommy" I say in a poor English accent. He walked Around the car and got in and said "was that supposed to be a British accent because if it was then you really suck"
"Wha- Hey I don't suck" I respond shoving him lightly "plus that's not fair because I can't say you can't do an American accent because you literally sound more American than me when you talk with the peter Parker accent"
"What can I do I'm just a natural talent" he say smiling and giggling.
"Was that a giggle I just heard coming out of you tom?" I ask smirking
"Uhh no it wasn't" he says embarrassed "relax I think that was really cute actually" I say smiling at him
"Really?" He said and blushed "oh my god now you're blushing this is so cute" I squeal
"Stop ittttt" he says while laughing
"Okay Okay I'm done calling you cute for now" I say and smirk again
"What ever I'm starting g to regret asking you to come with me for coffee but we're already here so I guess I'm stuck with you" he says sarcastically
"Haha very funny I know you love having me here instead of haz" I say "I guess you're right" he says nodding and getting out of the car and so did I.
We walked in to the coffee shop and went to the girl behind the cash register to order our drinks. When we got stood in front of her you could tell she recognized us.
"Oh my god you're Camila Gomez and Tom Holland holy shit I can't believe this" she said her smiling growing by the second
"Yup thats us" tom says and I wave at her and smile.
"Can I please have a picture with you guys" she asked her eyes filling with hope
"Yes for sure" I say smiling at her and she smiled even bigger pulling out her phone and taking a selfie with us. After taking the picture she asked what we would like to order and Tom said "uh I'll have a latte and she'll have iced coffee with soy milk"
"What how did you know what I wanted?" I asked while gasping "you said once that you can't stop drinking iced coffee and you told me you only drink soy milk because you're lactose intolerant" he said like it was obvious and I was shocked that he remembered all of that.
The girl said how much that would be and I started pulling out my wallet when I saw tom already handing his card to her "why did you do that I'm was gonna pay" I said
"You'll get it next time" he said smiling knowing well he won't let me pay next time. The girl gave him his card back and Tom walked away finding a table for us when I heard the girl speak up
"Thank you guys for being so nice and letting me take a picture with you" she said looking happy
"Of course uh what's you're name?" I ask and she replied "Chloe"
"Well you're welcome Chloe I love meeting fans I mean you're the reason I do this" I say smiling and her genuinely
"Yeah but you're so down to earth and it's really nice knowing you're actually as kind as you seem" she says smiling "also if I may say I think you and Tom are so cute together"
"Oh thanks but we're just friends"
"Well if you ever try to be more then that I think you'll be great together" she said
"Well thank you I guess" I say and wave her goodbye walking towards Tom who is already sitting with our drinks
"What was that about?" He asked
"Uh nothing she just thanked us for taking a picture with her and I found out her name is Chloe" I say taking a sip of my coffee
"Oh well she was really nice as well" he said looking back at her for a second and then looking back at me and smiling.
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Liked by hazosterfield, zendaya and 842,042 others @tomholland2013: thanks @camilagomez for taking this artsy coffee picture for me because my pictures turned out bad each time I tried #sothatswhyikeepyouaround Comments: 732,620
@lifeisaloha: hmmm what is this I'm smelling? Could it be a coffee date?
@itsliv: oh gosh I think you might be right jacob! @lifeisaloha what do we do? @hazosterfield
@hazosterfield: I didn't think this day would actually arrive! @zendaya do you know what's going on?!
@zendaya: is tomila official?! @itsliv @lifeisaloha @hazosterfield
@camilagomez: you're welcome Tom. Also why am I friends with all these people.....