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Liked by @zendaya, @itsliv and 958,432 others @tomholland2013: she posted a paparazzi picture and cropped me out so I'm doing the same for her so you guys won't forget how beautiful she is!!
Comments: 730,943
@username: ugh this is cuteness overload for me right now I can't cope
@lifeisaloha: a couple who post each other without even being in the picture is a couple that stays together. -> @zendaya: they're not a couple yet! Tom is too much of a coward to officially ask her out...
@camilagomez: you just started a war tommy. An instagram war, but still a war. -> @tomholland2013: I'm ready to fight then
"So I guess we're at war now?" Tom says chuckling lightly as he looks up from the phone towards from the other end of the couch we were both currently chilling on.
"I mean that is what I just commented on your post..." I said smiling back at him.
"Well do you know what I like to do in wars?" He said smirking lightly "hopefully not kill the other side" I said in a fake worried tone "no, but I do like to win them" he answered back still with that goofy little smirk
"what do you mean with how do yo-" I started but was cut off when he lunged at my direction picking me up from where I was sitting and squishing me down so that I was lying on back on the couch with him on top of me, trying to wiggle out of his grasp but not doing so very successfully, 'damn him being a marvel actor and working out constantly' I thought to my self. "Tommmmm let me gooooo" I begged, "not until you declare our war is over and I won" he said getting comfortable sitting on top of me "ughh come on I can't breath" I tried to reason with him "not until you do as I said" he said while shaking his head. "FINE I declare this war over and you are the winner, is that enough can I get back to breathing?" I say looking up at him "not yet, say that again but ass that I am the most handsome and funniest guy you ever met" he said leaning down a little so he's face is closer to mine looking right into my eyes... ugh this guy....
Right then I figured I know how I can save myself without agreeing to do his little speech so I pulled my hands from my side and up to him grabbing his face and bringing it even closer to me so that our faces are an inch apart "what do you think you're doing" he softly said to me "winning" I whispered back the smile on my face growing and just then pulled him into me so our lips crashed against each other and at that moment I knew I managed to distract him.
We kept the kiss going my hands finding their way to his hair and his hands going down each hand on the other side of my face so that he's fully leaning on top of me, I took that chance to lift my face up and sit up not breaking the kiss so now we were sitting up and then I pushed him down so that he was the one lying on his back and I am the one on top, I took his bottom lip and put it between my teeth lightly biting into him hearing him letting out a little groan and then in a swift motion I took both his hands and held them above his head on the couch pulling away ever so slightly whispering in his ear "I think this means I won" and then took myself back letting his hands go and sitting down fully on his lower stomach while placing my hands on his chest smiling and looking down at him.
He looked up at me a little out of breath and said "if this is what it feels like to lose then I don't want to win anymore".